
How do young people dress in Paris, France?

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How do young people dress in Paris, France?




  1. They dress well! It's all about the watch and shoes for young men. If you want to get the ladies, nice jeans, white pressed shirt with a nice collar and cuff links, blazer, Italian shoes and a respectable watch.  It helps if you smell good too. A light scented "High Energy" Dior or "Eternity" Summer by Calvin Klien, will do the trick. That's just how it is, don't shoot the messenger!

    P.S. - Young women, dress chic and s**y period.

    Kiss, Wendy

  2. If you mean young adults rather than teeneyboppers then take a look at this little piece of video from the Georges Cafe and see for yourself.

  3. the teenage males are really into the whole athletic look. wherever you are, most of the teenage males dress with what you call soccer turfs or track looking turfs. paris are really into soccer and athletic clothes is what is most common among the young teens and early 20's, maybe some older men here and there. aside from the athlettic look, there are the business men, dressed with suits and a nice tie to go along with his outfit. keep in mind as well that paris is one of the fashion capitals of the world, so sunglasses are definitely seen everywhere among the french. they have the most bog brand named shades on from lacoste to armani to dolce and gabana. ....hoped ive helped out a bit.

  4. In fashion which is in stark contrast to young people here that wear nothing but jeans and Old Navy t shirts.

  5. Like young people anywhere else.

  6. Much like those who live on the upper east side of Manhattan. Style there and in Paris is important.

  7. Bonjour,  I was in Paris last May and obvioulsy, young people dress in Paris accordingly to their social status ; you can see the difference if you happen to be in the 16th quarter (which is a smart elegant money area) or in the 20th where people, mostly immigrants live, unemployed and poor !

    It's all down to personal style, fashion with music,  and whether you have money, as usual !

    Bonne journée !

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