
How do your power a veachle with no motor, but only with an average elastic ban?

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i want i simple viacle(sry of the splng) with wheels that travel on ground... only powerd to move minimum of a meter by a rubber band




  1. I am assuming that you are speaking of a model vehicle....

    Buy four plastic wheels and connect two each to wooden dowels 4 inches in length.

    Drill holes the size of the diameter of the dowels 1/2 inch from the end of each of four 1/4 X 3 inch wooden strips.

    Attach the four wooden strips to the corners of a 3 X 5 X 1/4  inch piece of plywood. (The drilled holes down)

    Remove wheels and Insert the dowels into the holes at each end.

    Reattach the wheels.

    Buy the largest, thickest rubber band you can buy.

    Cut rubber band one time.

    Using stapler attach one end of rubber band to mid point of the rear wooden dowel which now serves as an axle.

    Staple the other end of the rubber band to the plywood car base at a point just in back of front axle.

    Wind rubber band up on rear axle until its' length is fully extended and rubber band is very taut.

    Hold rear wheels to keep from unwinding until car is placed of level surface.

    release car. It will move forward as band unwinds , hopefully one meter or more.

  2. you twist the elastic band. which will create tension.

  3. Nick Papa's car sounds good, but this design has a quite limited travel limit.

    Take a look at a cheap balsa airplane, how the twisted rubber band drives the propellor.  Now imagine this drive system, doubled and turned sideways, driving both of your rear wheels.  Actually, you could make your car all wheel drive.  Note -- if you desire speed, keep the car very light, and use tires that will grip the floor well.

    Lastly, going back to that balsa airplane, it itself would accomplish your goal, as it would easily taxi one meter, and then quite possibly take off.

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