
How do ypu hit the cue ball?

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How do ypu hit the cue ball?




  1. I normally hit the ball in the center with a cue stick, but it depends on where the balls are.

  2. Depends on where you want it to go. If you want it to follow or roll with the ball you hit, you hit it above the center. If you want to draw it back down the table after hitting the object ball, it below the center. If you want to stop it, hit it dead center. If you want it to go left or right upon hitting the object ball hit it on whatever side you need to go. All of this is know as "english."

  3. aiming   left click  hold and aim   shoot  right click hold and pull back for desired power and let go

  4. Rookie pool players can begin by just aiming for the center of the cue ball and then striking the ball with the tip of your cue. With practice though, you will find that you can control the cue ball in various ways, both with the speed and placement of your initial hitting of the ball.

    On an empty pool table, practice the following ...

    Place the cue ball near one of the ends of the table, take your position and aim to hit the cue ball in the middle. Strike it cleanly, evenly and fairly forcefully and watch the ball go straight down the table, bounce and return. Depending on how hard you strike the cue ball, the further back it will return to you. .

    Once you are comfortable with doing this, practice striking the cue ball just to the right or left of center on the cue ball. Again, strike the cue ball down the table and watch what it does this time. It will bounce and then bank off in the direction of whichever side of your original hit. This is especially useful when making a shot close to a pocket and you don't want the cue ball to directly follow your sunk ball into the pocket.

    Now, place any other ball on the table with your cue ball ... line them up as a make-believe shot. Aim your cue to strike the top of the cue ball and watch. The cue ball will hit the other ball and then spin backwards.

    There are numerous other tricks to shooting the cue ball, but I won't let you in on all my secrets!

  5. I aim for the middle of the cue ball, pull the stick back and push it forward.

    Works for me...

  6. use the stick to hit it duh

  7. >>>>>>HOW TO SHOOT<<<<<<<<

         When shooting the cue ball, use the left mouse button to move the cue stick

         around the cue ball. When you have positioned the cue stick where you want,

         click and hold the right mouse button. Pull back on the mouse until you have

          the desired power (displayed on the right side of the table). Let go of the right

         mouse button to take your shot. To move the cue ball when you have ball in hand,

         simply left-click the cue ball and drag it to the desired spot and drop it.

         For more precise aiming you may use the arrow keys to line up your shot as well.

  8. You can hit the cue ball many ways... Just practice, so on and so on... But the basic still in the very middle. Trick shots will come later..

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