
How do yu feel about people who smoke weed....??

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i smoke ..but im not the type of person that does stupid stuff wen im rather be called a "pot head" then a alcoholic.




  1. As long as they have their priorities in order & don't let the pot rule or ruin their life I wouldn't judge them.

    People can still be good citizens if they are strong minded & don't let pot smoking be their number one priority in life.

  2. I don't see a problem with it as long as it's done in moderation. It is physically non-addictive unlike alcohol which is legal. I never saw a person on weed go home and beat their wife or drive their car into a tree. As a recovering heroine addict I have done every drug in the world and can tell you from experience that nothing can get you as messed up a alcohol.

    Of course no drug is the best drug and the only drug for me. But, God do I ever miss partying.

  3. Pot makes me relaxed and ssssoooooooo mellow. I think everyone should try it at least once but also realize it may not agrree with everyone. getting stoned is cool as long as you dont get carried away and do it in moderation..... the same can be said of eating, s*x, working, etc moderation is the key but in its proper place it makes this stoned babe put a big grin on her face from feeling so fine

  4. It's nasty!  And everyone says I don't do stupid stuff when I'm high and it just relaxes me...but everyone who smokes acts and looks trashy.

  5. Funny you should ask.  I just got done having this conversation with my 16 year old daughter.  For one, I work in public health and it is against our rules for us to use any illegal drug.  With that being said, let me tell you that in my studies of natural medicine, I have began to question why we have regulations on HERBS such as marijuana.  It is a plant, naturally occuring in many other countries where it is not illegal and the problems occuring in the US just aren't present in other countries.  

    It is only illegal in the US because the government can make money on making it illegal, because they can't make money on selling it, marketing it or using it, because it is an herb, not able to be controlled by the government.

    Marijuana is no different than controlled substances such as demerol and morphine, which are drugs, controlled by the government (FDA) and prescribed to people in pain.  It causes the same type of effect that one can get from a pot high.  The difference is that the government can't make money off it, so they make it illegal to use.  

    If you are unlucky enough to have cancer and live in California, you can get pot from a naturopathic physician or doctor of your choice.  Go figure.

    If you abuse your use, shame on you.  

    For those people who are responsible while smoking it, I really have no problem with them.  

    If children are involved, guns or other drugs that take the situation from occasional marijuana use to crack addiction and gang relations, crime and etc., I have problems.

    I think the real problem is that when people have to hide to get their high, they tend to be involved in more than just occasionally smoking marijuana.  It is when the lifestyle changes, abuse and crime raise and the recretional user becomes the addict that is now societies' problem that I have issues with it.  I can't speak for everyone, but I do think a large population of people would agree.  It is not the use, but the association of other drugs with pot and the crime that goes with being sneaky.

    Be safe,

  6. They're pot heads.

    And what number 1 said.

    If someone smokes weed, it's sort of liking saying you like Slick Clinton or B. Hussein. That really says it all about a person's character, and you really don't need to go beyond that.

  7. That depends on what king of person they are.


  8. Why should I care about what people do,, you should know whats best for you.. thats the bottom line,, you judge them, be ready to be judged by others than..

    I say mind your own business, and try to improve oneself before looking at others..

  9. weak and pathetic

  10. If they can hold a job i can careless.......

  11. Personally, it's a turn-off for me. I don't like it at all. But I won't think any less of a person if they smoke it. I know a lot of people who smoke weed and I don't treat them any different then people who don't smoke weed. But honestly I wouldn't date someone who smoked weed. My parents would kill me. Does that even make sense?

  12. i am with ya girl, i smoke everyday and have a amazeing job and boyfriend and life. Pot makes you chill if you are living a stressful

  13. i feel fine about them, since im one of them. haha. atleast they arent addicted to alcohol or cigs, which have higher death rates.

    toke it up!

  14. I have no problem with them, as long as they share.

  15. No different than those who don't. I don't smoke it, but I don't think its all that bad. There are those who need to smoke it for medical reasons. That's fine too. More auto accidents and family abuse is caused by alcohol  than weed. Weed is the better alternative for someone that insists on getting high for fun. It really is harmless in moderation, compared to other drugs.

  16. I do it.  So Im ok with people who smoke.  It aint evil unless its hurting somebody.

  17. "Lucky B@$#*&!" Something to that effect.

  18. I think that anyone who uses drugs or alcohol on a daily basis is escaping something or trying to.  It's always that something has happened tous that we can not handle or will not face that leads us to using drugs or alcohol. you have to face what is bothering you and somehow come to terms with it in order to deal with life on lifes terms.  YOu can't keep running away. sooner or later you will stop. but then it may be too late for ;you.  good luck with that.

  19. it's all about your choice... it shouldn't bug you what other people think! But if you get worried about getting caught, i found some legal herb on International Oddities, which actually tastes pretty good, esp. since they have flavored herb!

    try it out!

  20. its pathetic that people have to get a high from dumb things

  21. I think it's very low-life.

    The people who are giving me thumbs down are probably the low-life's who are smoking. Get a job and put down the weed. Losers.

  22. I think this person is really dumb.

  23. If you like to do so both in moderation and in the confines of your home/property, that's fine.

    I have problems with people smoking it in public, like I do with cigarette smokers:  I'm allergic and get violently ill if exposed to it.

  24. Funny how so many people describe weed is such a "nasty, terrible, discusting, lazy, etc." when I would bet they have never even took a single toke. They are just brainwashed into believing that. People can be very sucussful members of society and smoke weed. Just like with alcohol. Noone thinks anything of someone who works their *** off every day, then comes home and takes a shot. Why? Because it doesn't affect their work ethics. But it is when they become alcoholics that it is a problem, right? Well guess what? I bet you I know more about what is actually going on in this world than most people, AND I am in nursing school, AND very intellegent, AND I do not appreciate being called a stupid pothead because I chose the safer alternative (cannabis) rather than alcohol. When I smoke, it simply calms my nerves and I do some yoga and release my stress. When I drink, I compromise my standards, act like a stumbling, goofy idiot. But this is wrong because it is "illegal" simply because of the many industries that it would distroy if it were legal.  Yet, I am the stupid one right? You people need to take the vail off your eyes and look around at why things are the way they are.

  25. for the most part, you can't even tell a "pot head" from the next hard working really depends on the person, though...most people who smoke do so in the privacy of their own home and don't do stupid things while they are high, like me...those that spend all of their money on weed and neglect the other things that are important are the ones that are low-lifes...i'm one of the first category, and i know people on both sides of the fence...i don't get high with the stupid ones, though...

  26. Their breath always stinks like ***, and they forget what their saying 3 seconds into their conversation, their slow, they get to philosophical, and their always hungry... other than that they're o.k.

  27. some people act smarter some act stupider. I gain knowledge from it and i enjoy being around mostly anyone while stoned. NOT a low life like some ignorant people have answered.

  28. ummm.....i love myself :o)

  29. i feel we are better off than people who drink. just laid back and happy.

  30. Its the people who abuse weed that gives it a bad press, when you abuse it (especially skunk) it cause paranoia and many other health problems, when you USE it for what it is 'a natural herb'(cooking and herbal tea) it causes no problems at all.

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