
How do yuu get re- born withh God?? all thee steps pleasee! NO CRITIZING!!!?

by Guest61901  |  earlier

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how do yuu get re- born withh God??

all thee steps pleasee!



&& how to ask God fer forgivancee

of a mistake of oral s*x?!




  1. You're puree? As in tomato puree? That must have been painful.

    But anyway, you can't get re-born. You were already born once, you can't be born again. Besides, it'd be extremely painful for the mother.

    And oral s*x is still s*x, so unless you're using the literal definition of 'virgin'... You're not.

    And for Zeus' sakes, work on your spelling and grammar.

  2. well go to the altor at church and repent then think about getting baptized and get baptized and try not to comitt sin anymore

  3. it is as simple to ask God for something as it is your best friend.  from a christian perspective:  you repent, and accept Jesus into your heart and soul.  repent simply  means you have had a change of heart and you have no intentions of doing it again.   the re-born experience is something i had when i was 11.  all i did was to ask Jesus into my heart. i have changed somewhat over the years, religiously, but some things never change.  the love of God is one of those things.  God is total love and is not upset with you.  God knows your heart.  the fact that you are asking this shows you have a very strong conscience and God sees that.  God will always love you,unconditionally.

  4. Mistake?

    Oral s*x is still s*x, hon. Why do people think adultery is bad? Everyone feels it and you need to feel it to make babies, no?


  5. It doesn't matter whether you're a virgin, had s*x, or whatever, all sins are equally offensive in God's eyes.

    In order to be a born-again christian, you have to pray to Jesus Christ, telling Him that:

    you believe that mankind has been make imperfect by sin

    Jesus Christ came to earth in human form, and died so He could take the blame for your sin

    Jesus Christ is the one and only way to receive eternal life.

    This is what is needed to be born again.  I strongly suggest that you get with a local church and have them teach you more about Christianity.

  6. Step 1: Realize that you made a mistake.

    Step 2: Tell God that you made a mistake and you are sorry, and don't ever want to make that same mistake again.

    Step 3: Realize that you will not be able to keep this promise all by yourself, you will need God's help.

    Step 4: Ask Him to help you to avoid the temptation to sin.

    That's it...

    Well, except for the most important step of all...

    Step 5: Trust Him.


    Honey, if you had oral s*x, you are not exactly a virgin, (being physically "in tact" doth not necessarily a virgin make) and you are certainly not pure.

    I thought Bill Clinton was the only person in the world that didn't realize that oral s*x is actually s*x...

    (Although I do have to admit, my sons also tried that one..."I wasn't having s*x with her, Mom, she was just su......

    Well, you get the idea...


    Reading over your other answers, it occurs to me that I am just about the only Christian who told you that oral s*x is still s*x, and that you are not a virgin.

    No wonder Mr. Clinton was confused....

    However, the excuse still doesn't work for my sons, nor does it work for my grandsons...

    Or for daughters or grandaughters, comes to that.

    Sorry, kids...oral s*x is still s*x, and a person having oral s*x may not afterwards claim either virginity or purity.

    They can, however, still claim God's grace, just like any other sinner.

    *shakes her head sadly*

  7. oh sweetie....first off, it doesn't matter about "being pure".  Jesus died for us sinners, if we were all "good" it wouldn't make sense, ok?

    To become born again all you have to do is say:  "Jesus, I believe You are the Son of GOd.  I believe that You died for my sins and rose again as my Savior.  Please come in to my heart and my life.  I know I'm not perfect, never will be, but come in to my life and help me."

    As for forgiveness, all you have to do is ask.  That's all.  You won't stop every sin, even after you've been saved, in fact sometimes it seems harder, but you can always, ALWAYS talk to God.

    Go to church, get a good easy to read Bible, like an NIV, or the Message.

    I will pray for you as soon as I post this.

  8. It makes me feel old that there is an entire generation of people younger than me redefining s*x as vaginal penetration only.

    If they feel they can get away with premarital oral and anal s*x, that it's not really fornication, what, exactly, are they bitching about with the g**s?

  9. We turn away from sin and toward the Lord. Depending on where a person stands when making the decision, turning takes many different forms. For a gang member involved in criminal activities, a new set of beliefs, new attitudes, a new group of friends, and a new schedule of activities each week. For a teenager raised in the church, it looks more like a natural outgrowth of the things they have been doing all of their lives. When Jesus told Nicodemus that " unless one is born again, he cannot be in God's kingdom " ( John 3:3), He was referring to this kind of change that makes a new person , not a specific kind of experience that everyone must have in the same way.>>>>>The new Christian starts to love God in every way possible ( Matthew 22:37-38 ). We begin to put God 1st in our life, accepting His authority over all that we do. Loving God means worshipping Him in a church, and participating as a member of the body of believers. Being born of the spirit / conversion is seen  in love towards others and our self. It means withdrawing from sinful actions as much as possible, and progressing toward a heart that is completely motivated by love. Someone who turns away from sin is not immediately perfect. In fact, 1 John 2:12 refers to them as children, meaning young Christians. As we grow, sin will have less and less control over our lives. But in conversion, a genuinely new start is made and some fruit of God's love is clearly seen immediately. May God Bless you in all of your endeavors. Praise God.

  10. See Acts 2:38-40. and 1 Corinthians 5:17-21.

    * REPENT of your sins.

    * RECEIVE CHRIST as your personal Saviour and LORD.

    * Seek to be baptised in water as a public witness to your confession of Christ.

    * PRAY and seek GOD daily and study the Bible as your guide to truth and Christian behavior.

    God bless you and help you in your quest for salvation.

    The links below can be very helpful to you...

  11. Your prayer does not have to be fancy, just heart-felt.  Tell God that you know you are a sinner and you want to have His forgiveness through the sacrificial death of Jesus on your behalf.  Tell God that you want to accept His gift of forgiveness and eternal life and live your life for His glory.  Once you have prayed that, please find a local Bible-preaching church (not all do preach the Bible), make friends there and tell people, especially the pastor, that you have just become a Christian.

  12. Ask Jesus into your heart and tell him youre sorry....If youre willing, He can give you His spirit....Good girl...READ John in the Bible...its beautiful

  13. &&youre scene. god doesnt like scene kids.

  14. I've heard of repentance being defined as a complete change of heart, however there are some steps that can help with that process, as it can be difficult.  

    This link discusses it in some more detail.  Please take a look and if you have any other questions, feel free to email me.

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