
How doI tell my mom i want contacts?

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I'm 11 years old i have had glasses fer 2 years now and i hate em. I told my mom i wanted contacts she said she would get them but i need them by September 1 or else i wont be able to see that good. (my glasses prescription is old) also we have small financial problems but we can still afford contacts how and wen should i do this? she is off on friday and i was wondering maybe we could go that day....but idk how 2 ask her. :(




  1. Just ask her!

    "Mom, can I get contacts?"

    That's what I did and I got them!  

    I have really strong reflexes so they were really hard to put in at first, but you'll get used to it.

  2. they dont give them to kid till they are 12 yeas old

  3. Just tell her, mom I'm having a hard time seeing the board in school and i feel self-conscious wearing my glasses and was wondering if i could get contacts. I'm sure she'll say yes. Don't be afraid to talk to your mom.

  4. do some research on your own first then let your mom know what you found out.

    Call your church, or local centers that aid families in need.

    If you have a St Vincent Depaul's or a Catholic charity house you can get them to give you funds for the contacts.

    Offer to help at the church in some way to pay them back.

  5. First I would just say to her that you need to get your eyes taken care of because you cannot see that well with the glasses you have.  I would also mention to her that she did say that she would get them for you.  Here is how I would put it say "Mom I really need to get my eyes taken care of the prescription I have is not working and I will not be able to see properly in school is it possible that we can on Friday when you are off work and may I still get the contact lenses that you said that I could get?"  Also you may want to say that you heard the contact lenses help improve eyes better than glasses.  Which is true they do improve your eyes to some degree.  Good luck and I hope you get them.

  6. First are you responsible enough for them?Second She said she would.Simply remind her.Then go from there.Good luck  

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