
How does African dance differ in each tribe?

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I need this answered by Sunday. Please and thank you! :)




  1. There is a great resource on Wikipedia...

    I am a dancer.  Although my specialty is contemporary and jazz, I have taken many African dance classes.  African dance in general is all about using the floor.  You are "becoming one with the Earth" or in some cases "giving praise or asking requests."  Traditional African dance is meant to be spiritual and/or celebratory.  Honestly, it depends on what type of dance it is for (ie: funeral, marriage, birth, holiday, etc).  Funeral dances tend to be more solemn and have more contricted & smaller movements.  While celebratory dances are exciting, utilizing the whole body.  It also depends on the music.  When congas are used, the movements tend to be more stacatto relating to the percussion.  There are other dances that have fluid, water-like movements, like that when telling a "story."  Read the article which explains it a little better than I can.  You can also visit youtube and see if you can view dances from different tribes.  

    Hope this helps!

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