
How does Barack Hussein Obama have more Experience then Sarah Palin?

by Guest59716  |  earlier

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Hussein has only been a senator for 3 years and he been campainging for one and not voting or doing anything so really only 2 years.

He is applying for a much higher job as president and she only is going for vice president, Obama has never run a government like a governor has he and biden have only been senator's an he only been in there for 3 years.

Why are ppl insulting sarah palin's experience when obama has by far lowest experience ever in history for a presidential nominee's

how an they even talk about experience with obama right there?




  1. Because media loves Obama and they will not question his credentials. Since Palen is a republican, it's usual for media to bash her.

  2. He doesn't. Palin has actual EXECUTIVE experience to bring to the table.

  3. Obama is a U.S. Senator and has more experience with national and international issues each day than the mayor of a small town and governor of a state that would be the 20th largest city in the U.S. has had over her entire career.

  4. He doesn't.  Obama has a little experience as a senator and more experience as a state legislator.  Palin has experience as a mayor, lt. governor, and a little experience as a governor.

    To sum it up, neither has "extensive" experience, but all of Palin's experience is as an executive and Obama's is as a legislator.  There's no way you can say Palin is less qualified than Obama to be president and not look like a moron.

  5. He was an Illinois State Senator for eight years before, and worked in local politics for another five earlier.  He graduated top of his class at Harvard Law.

    She was a beauty queen and has journalism degree.

    'nough said.

  6. You'd be surprised how many dems don't get it.  They'll be on here defending it still.  A\\Never realizing their canf\didate is less experienced.  Doesn't matter how you say it.

  7. He has campaigned longer than she has in national elections?  

    That's it!

    In Fact, Palin has actual executive experience in managing government agencies.  

    Obama: Zilch, Zero, Nada, Nada, Nothing.  He is less experienced than Gov Palin.  Empty Suit.  

  8. This country really needs an elderly confused old man with a bad temper for President.  That will work out real well.  Brilliant, just brilliant.

  9. Simple answer?

    He doesn't.

  10. yeah the only thing u can make fun of obama iz by using hiz middle name. so pathetic and tipical. obama haz so much more experience and he already met and talked to world leeders.  

  11. He has more experience campaigning and that's it.

    She will out-do him in that too,

    That's why my McCain chose her

  12. Palin has NO experience in national government. You do realize she was mayor of a very SMALL population. Remember she has to be ABLE to enter into the role of President if something should happen to McCain. She doesn't have enough experience to do so sucessfully.

  13. he isnt where he is on experience its based on sales they are packaging the most powerful job in the world based on what people magazine thinks is hot

  14. More people are going to dislike Obama than Bush, i dont like him at all, theres an email from a soldier stationed at a base in Iraq where Obama visited for media ( not to show the troops his appreciation) he didnt give any speech of encouragement and praise, not even a handshake to any lower class soldier, just media.

  15. Obama was trained on racism and radicalism by several racists and america haters for 20 years in the Trinity church, how would you match that.

  16. He doesn't, and we need to stop comparing them! She's running for VP, and he's running for President.

  17. He has more experience at the national level. Plus, when he was in local politics it was in Chicago, not a small Alaskan town of 1500. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's very experienced but, more so than Palin.

  18. You can't be serious!  Obama graduated Magna *** Laude from Harvard Law School.  He has 12 years in the state house in Illinois.  He became US Senator for the state of Illinois (which has a population about 20 times larger than Alaska).  He ran a successful campaign for democratic nomination for president against the most formidable political machine ever assembled.  His trip to the Middle East and Europe drew crowds in the tens of thousands.  His meetings with leaders of those countries gave him more experience in two weeks than Sarah Palin would get in a lifetime as Governor of a state with a population less than Dayton Ohio.  I wonder if that was her first trip to Ohio or even the midwest for that matter.

    And if US Senator gives you no experience.....then what does John McCain have?

  19. Is that your way of being racist? My parents are muslim me myself athiest and i like neither. I like ron paul. I hate ignorant racist people like you.

  20. dosent the way it looks some crazy skin head is gonna shoot him anyway.... we r voting for vice presidents right now. obama will get shot and macain will die of old age. let the best vice president win  

  21. What experience did GWB have before becoming president? None. He only graduated school because of his family connections and $$$$.

  22. your so right Obama was NOT in any beauty pageants........

    by the way, more than JUST experience, this country needs a leader.  Obama has far more leadership qualities than Palin.  I can promise you that the Republicans wouldn't let her withing a thousand miles of a debate with Obama.

  23. Obama does not have the lowest experience ever, you might read this and educate yourself:

    How are you counting experience?  She was mayor of a small town, and governor for 20 MONTHS!!  She has no national experience, no foreign policy experience, she doesn't even have that much gubernatorial experience!  Please explain to me HOW you can criticize Obama's experience?

  24. You know you want to say "Hussein OSAMA." Just be a man and DO IT. No need to pretend this is more then a thin veener of what otherwise is a WWF fan.

    DO IT!!!

    But to answer, they both are pretty inexperienced.

    But experience doesn't mean everything. McCain & Biden proved that.

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