
How does Biden balance the Obama ticket, Obama is #1 most liberal senator and Biden is #3.?

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Not too balanced two of the most liberal senators in the senate;




  1. Well anything to the right of Obama will slightly shift the ticket toward center...I guess Obama doesn't think he needs the moderate democrat vote to win the election...Maybe he thinks he'll will with just the loony left demoncrap vote...Or maybe this is just another effort of his to prove just how inexperienced and unqualified and what a bad judge of character he really is.

  2. First of all I have to say I have and will continue to Support John McCain... On that note I will also say that this just gives the McCain Campaign a Big Boost.... Biden is a LIAR just like nobama... He has told people that he wasnt going to run for VP if chosen,( sound familiar *L* nobama said the same thing... Bidens continuous gaffs are getting him into trouble... He has been quoted as saying that McCain was a good man for the job, and that nobama has NO experience and wasnt fit to be president...... also noting that Biden and McCain have been friends for years... Biden also supported this war and all the stuff that went with it... kind of funny when nobama doesnt so to speak... also...Biden has a long history of putting his foot in his mouth and eroding his credibility. In past, he has plagiarized speeches and lied about his academic achievements. Most recently while campaigning in New Hampshire, Biden showed his true colors by insensitively saying to an Indian-American; "You cannot go into a Dunkin' Donuts or a 7-Eleven unless you have a slight Indian accent..... like I said Biden and nobama are two peas in a pod and both are LIARS!!!

    added... even though I wasnt going to vote for Hillary, I do believe she got screwed by the  nobama campaign... her supporters are now going to choose McCain before nobama.. .

  3. So, does that mean McCain will try to balance out his ticket by picking a liberal (and a pro-choice one at that) to offset his neocon hawkishness?  I highly doubt he's going to do that.  

    And National Journal's owner, David G. Bradley evidently doesn't have a problem with Obama, since he donated money to the Obama campaign, even though Bradley considers himself a centrist.  

  4. You have a point. clinton is more moderate than Obama and Biden I guess Obama really has a problem with Hillary.

  5. hillary clinton's husband was impeached for god's sake,whats wrong with you people

  6. They balance it a little to the left.

  7. Ha ha, whoever said Obama was looking to balance his ticket?  Obama is not interested in working in a bipartisan fashion, that's why he wouldn't make a good leader.

  8. The democrats have not figured out that Gore lost because he was too liberal, so they put forth a more liberal Kerry.  He lost and they put forth the most liberal, and pair him up with the third most liberal.

    When Obama loses, they will think it is because he is black, not because Americans do not want radical liberals or socialists.

    I wonder where they will find candidates more liberal than these clowns to lose in 4 years.

    LeAnne...great point.  If I was making the choice...10 points for you so far.

    Oracle...ARE YOU KIDDING?  McCain is a moderate who slants left.  To balance his ticket, he needs a solid conservative.

  9. It does not balance the ticket.

    The USA needs no more phony conservatives like President Bush and McCain.

  10. Obama picked Biden because of Obama's foreign policy is lacking.

    The thing i find funny is when Obama first said that we should talk to our enemies Biden said that was a bad idea. So i wonder if Obama still wants to talk to the worlds most brutal leaders. Biden also said Obama wasn't ready to be president and that he was 'clean' so this is going to be an interesting ticket.  

  11. Seig Heil    What do repub l**k cans care!

    Seig Heil

    Lets sing the Republican anthem. like at bush Camp!

    Iam a re-pub-l**k-can

    I love my McBush again

    That's really what I wish again

    Seig Heil

  12. Clinton really didn't add much to the ticket, if she had been on it, and according to this, she is even farther left then obama or Biden;

    Besides, Biden gives Obama more foreign policy experience so that McCain can't attack him on that as much as he has been.

  13. Well they make an average of 2 so it isnt as bad as #1

  14. Imagine calling people doing their jobs liberal, as if they were a disgrace by not looking out for thier won investments like the current bunches of rogues.

  15. Don't worry...

    I know you feel left out, but they weren't trying to woo you anyway.

  16. When the voters step into the booths and pull the curtain closed in November - they really have only one question to ask themselves:

    "Can the government spend our money better than we can?"

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