
How does Big Foot stay warm in the winter considering that Hominids need fire, shelter and clothing to keep?

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  1. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL "North Face" coat

  2. He spoons with his big booty mate.

  3. You're saying you didn't assume anything. Yet, you assumed there is Big Foot.

  4. Well, if you look him up in here, he's bigfoot, and he's my hubby, he stays warm with a blanket

  5. Bigfoot are migratory.

  6. Who says he is a homonid? Upon examination we may need to revise our definitions.

    We can't assume that bigfoot is in fact a bipedal primate, since he is legend. And then you must decide if you are using the paraphyletic or monophyletic definition of homonid. Did your anthropology professor mention that?  Last time I checked chimpanzees didn't build fires and gorillas didn't wear clothes. So apparently your professor gave you the monophyletic definition, which includes humans and extinct relatives. However, extinct is  the key word here, which is why I ask to consider definitions here.These classifications change. But I suppose Bigfoot could kill you, eat you and wear you around. That might solve some problems.

  7. the question should be is big foot real?

  8. Who says he can't make a fire or build a shelter.  Also, he's got all that fur which is basically the same thing as clothing.

  9. We are tropical apes.  You shouldn't assume that a hominid couldn't adapt to cold.  It could have much thicker fur, skin and vessels that exchange heat before going to the extremities.  Snow monkeys and golden monkeys live in a very cold environment and they don't have fire, shelter and clothing to keep warm.  Bigfoot is reported to have a tremendous size advantage that would make resistance to cold much easier.  If it is a hominid, which is the obvious assumption to make, that doesn't make it a human.

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