
How does Bush/Neocons justify the destruction of the Geneva Convention?

by Guest66837  |  earlier

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The greatest generation was that which lived in 1939 -1945. The didn't face Al Queda. They faced 200 million Japanese and 50 million Germans. They didn't lose thousands in a terrorist attack. They lost millions in vicious fighting. They didn't lose building in a single attack. They faced actual invasion and occupation of the homeland. Anyone who says what we face today is worse is an idiot. Yet, the Geneva convention was good enough for them. They fought and won the war with honour, even when the other side binned the convention. No torture, no renditions. If it was good enough for them it should be good enough for us.




  1. As many of your other answerers has said, you really need to read up on your history... and not get your education from Hollywood movies. War is a dirty, dehumanizing event in human history... always has been... always will be. People do what they have to do to survive and that includes doing things to other people they would never dream of doing during peacetime. It was true during WWII and it is true now.

  2. Sorry...but we broke the Geneva Conventions too in WW2....the only difference was that we won so there was nobody to lay charges at our door and we had the benefit of the victors version of events...

    The allies murdered captured POWs...waged aggressive war against another sovereign state...used torture on prisoners...bombed civilian areas...etc

    There is no honour in Marquis of Queensbury rules....the aim is to win by any means....there are no good guys

  3. Because their combined IQ is lower than zero. They did not learn any thing from prior history.

  4. We're not as much of an idiot as you are, who dared to make such an illiterate non-sense public statement........

  5. You need to study history a little more.  Bush has not destroyed the Geneva Convention.  Any prisoners of war captured in the ongoing war are treated fully in accordance with the conventions.   Terrorists, on the other hand, who are NOT covered under the conventions, are treated accordingly.  Even then the treatment terrorists receive as our "guests" is substantially better than the treatment our folks have received when captured.

  6. The greatest generation wasn't facing nuclear weapons (designed by the greatest generation) or Cyb war fair.  The greatest generation took our Japanese citizens and put them into camps, oh and they seized their property.  The greatest generation did use torture techniques they just didn't have the media scrutiny we have today (just go read a book). We had prison camps and people were physically interviewed to get information.  I'm not knocking the Greatest Generation but war is war and will always be war.  The object of a war is to win, the Greatest Generation understood that.  they were pretty peed off about Hawaii being bombed.

  7. Revising history and/or grossly over-exaggerating the reality of our past, just to make your point, undermines your credibility and is disrespectful to those who served and sacrificed.  

    Based on your math...our troops must have been fighting every man, woman, child, department store mannequin and domesticated animal in BOTH the European AND Asian Theaters??

    The ENTIRE population of WWII era Japan was about 70 million.  The same for WWII era Germany...a total population of about 72 million.  Why are you perpetuating the idea that our troops faced a combined military force of 250 million conscripts...nearly double the TOTAL POPULATION OF BOTH COUNTRIES COMBINED???  

    As for The Geneva Convention...unfortunately there were numerous violations on all sides in WWII... and some of the protections that you're undoubtedly referring to (including some protections for POW's and civilians) weren't even added to the GC until 1949...YEARS AFTER WWII ENDED!!

    There is an unintended...and very sad... irony to someone sanctimoniously pontificating about "honor", while perpetuating half-truths and complete fabrications.  Your query is further proof that history isn't only "written by the winners"'s also re-written!

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