
How does CO2 contritube to global warming?

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How does CO2 contritube to global warming?




  1. You are being conned by the media and W.H.O. in to believing there is such a thing as man made global warning it is just another money making concern we have reached the end of an era and they know it but prefer to make money spinning off this lie our world is about to regenerate and most people will die when this happens so the rich will try to land on the space station to carry on living from space but we down here on earth will have to face Armageddon without our fearless leaders but there is nothing certain about their future weather or not they will survive the trip to the space station.

  2. The higher the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere, the more heat is retained. It is not quite so bad as methane, but that is why is called a greenhouse gas. It has the same effect of retaining heat as a greenhouse does.

  3. when co2 is released the gas molecules hold in heat and the more heat that is held in the earths atmosphere the warmer it gets.

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