
How does Criss Angel do all those trick?

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Please tell me how criss angel flys, walks on water, and chops that guys arms off. if you know any other tricks he does please tell me how he does it.




  1. he just does it. if your trying to be like him or better just give up cuz you cant. and who said what he does is tricks? ya never know.....

  2. i think he pays all the people around him. ill believe it when i see it.  

  3. illusions

  4. Mindfreak Criss Angel is just an illusionst, just es everything its just he is just doing what he enjoys doing. Alot of people say,yes he pays the people around him, but alot of that has been proven false, if you watch the new episode Skeptic. Alot of people would eb more than glad ot watch him die,instead of turning away from the skeptics he embaced them. they put an ad up to find the worst haters and non-believers.3 elevators 1 empty shaft.if he goes throught eh wrong one he falls to his death. One of the skeptics even said he doesn`t beLIEve in magic,but criss has something different about him.If you really wanna find out everything,its gonna take you awhile years and years unless he chooses to tell everyone, which he wont. Everyone tries to expose him,but i`m wondering has anyone tried this with Harry Houdini, wats the difference between him and Harry.If you don`t like what he does, he is also an actor(CSI:NY-Sleight out of hand) and a musician(System 1-3 Trilogy, Mindfreak Sountrack and Tv Mindfreak Sountrack)

  5. He's widely ridiculed within the magic industry. On a radio interview, Keith Barry, a well-known Irish magician admitted that Criss stole one of his tricks (driving a car with a paper bag over his face).

    Criss' tricks also always really on camera. He never does tricks live. Definitely suspicious of him because Barry seems like a really genuine guy.

  6. Well not THE explanation, but after watching the levation tricksflyvideo performed by Criss Angel I came up with a few theories:

    First of all it is important to divide the levitation tricks into different categories, because they are quite different:

    1) levitating a few feet in front of stairs or chairs, while turning his back to the audience.

    2) levitating leaning backwards with one foot on the ground

    3) levitating a bystander in midair

    4) levitating 5 feet in the air with nothing around him.

    5) levitating 5 feet in the air with an object behind him


    1) There is always an object in front of him to which he "levitates", he always has his back turned to the camera/audience. Sometimes one or two people seem to be next to him or in front of him which would have to be in on the trick. He is wearing a fake hollow, bendable leg on one leg which is attached to his shoe. The fake leg fits into the back half of his real leg. He then could just bend his knee, while putting his leg up and step up to the object in front of him. The view from behind would be two legs and two shoes next to eachother. When he has raised his other leg and the fake leg to the chair, the fake leg and shoe should fit into his real leg again. This way he can just turn around and show there are no other gimmicks present, the fake leg is reset and the trick can be performed again. His trousers would have to be cut or flexible to be able to put out a leg while his trousers at the back remain straight. In the video in the cafeteria you can actually see him make a stange move with his right leg slightly bending it, as if the fake leg didn't come of straight away and snaps back. This trick would require to lean slightly forward to keep balance, which is clearly visible when he does the trick on the escalator. When he perfoms this trick on the sidewalk -without an object in front of him- you can clearly see that it is suddenly necessary to lean sharply forward while balancing on one leg. The man passing by who has to see his leg in front of him, is clearly not impressed, from his standpoint, he propably doesn't even realize that someone is performing a trick, he just sees a man balancing on one leg.

    With this trick you have to ask yourself two questions:

    -Why not just levitate and land on the ground again? Because that would make it suspicous that an object in front of him is necessary. He cleverly has an excuse that a chair needs to be in front of him, because he is going to land on it, classical misdirecting of a magician.

    -Why not perform the trick without an object in front of him? Well because it wouldn't be possible then, otherwise he would have shown it, because that would make the trick MUCH more impressive. When he does it on the sidewalk without an object, there is no audience behind him, just the camera from slightly above, because people standing directly behind would be able to see it.

    2) In the video I saw he clearly stamps his right foot, and could insert a metal pole hidden in his right leg into the ground, the location seems to be selected by himself, so perhaps a prepared ground is needed with a hollow pipe. When he bends backwards while bending his knees, a metal mechanism hidden in his leg and back bends with him but locks at 90 degrees. He is then able to straighten out his other leg. Why not straighten out both legs at the same time? Or first one leg and then the other? This seems a giveaway to me. He also did this trick with a bystander which would have to be in on his trick. Only this time she has two legs on the ground when bend backwards and he shows that there is nothing under her back. Then he also straightens her legs but doesn't show again there still isn't anything under her back. So this would mean that she has the pole in one of her legs when he shows there is nothing under her back, but it is removed after another pole has risen from the ground (or is pulled down from her back) to support her back and connect with the metal plate she is wearing there. Conveniently he immediately lowers her which could be the pole in the ground simply descending. At this time the camera doesn't give a clear view of what's under her anymore. Again classical misdirection by a magician, first show that there isn't anything at a certain place, so that later when there is something there the audience is just tricked into thinking it can't be because it wasn't there before.

    You have to ask yourself why the straightening of both legs isn't performed when he is levitating himself, surely the trick would be much more impressive if he would do that instead of just straightening just one leg? The answer is that it requires another person to make sure the pole from the ground connects with the back of the woman. In the video there are cuts and a shot where he may have touched the lower of her back may have been left out.

    3) There is no other possiblity than that the whole crowd is in on the trick. The crowd l

  7. What Criss does is either real or an illusion. Obviously his escapes are real. When Criss walks on water he's the only one that knows the secret behind it. Criss never flew. He levitated. Once again Criss is the only one that knows the secret behind his levitation. When Criss cut the guys arm off he said that it was an illusion. I don't know how he did it but I saw the episode 7 times and I am positive that Criss himself said it was an illusion.

    I hope I helped.


  8. If I told you, he would send people to kill you.

    Suffice it to say that most of his illusions are done on video and just because someone says he has never met Criss doesn't necessarily mean it's true.

  9. He says it is all mind over body, that's all I can come up with. He doesn't seem to have any outside help.

  10. i think that the filming is gyped

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