
How does DNA/RNA polymerase always have the correct free nucleotide next to it as it rapidly synthesizes?

by Guest63735  |  earlier

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I understand how DNA and RNA polymerase work and I also know they move at amazing rates. as the polymerase moves across the template strand it has to "capture" free nucleotides? is there just a high concentration of nucleotides around the enzymes at all times?




  1. Nucleotides in the form of ATP (Adenine triphosphate not adenosine), GTP, CTP, and TTP are availible in concentration all around the cytosol. The polymerase easily grabs these.

  2. Yes, there is just a high concentrations of nucleotides throughout the cell at all times (unless the cell is energy-starved).

  3. There are only four different nucleotides. It would be easy to grab the right one.

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