
How does Ebay work??

by  |  earlier

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I need help to find out how ebay works to be able to shipp stuff and if u know how it works youll be more than welcomed to answer this question.How does it work??I Want to shipp stuff but i dont know how to make sure the people know what thing or when or who so please tell me how it works out.




  1. if you don't want to wait that long for the auction to end, you can just set a 'buy it now' price where the bidder can pay you the designated price without having to win the auction.

  2. 1. you post a picture and a description of the product

    2. you choose how you want people to pay for the product. usually money orders, checks, etc. but the most popular payment method is Paypal. if u choose to list paypal, it will probably be more appealing because it's a fast and easy way to pay people through your checking account.

    3. the winning bidder pays u the money after the auction ends. (you pick the number of days u want the auction to run. (usually 1, 3, 5, 7, or 10 days)

    4. you ship it out to them

    5. Positive/Negative feedback is exchanged
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