
How does God play a role in your life?

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I've been thinking.

Some people just pray at church, others at night, others every few hours, etc.

I seem to talk to God all day long.

I feel like I might be bothering him... he has more important things to hear, perhaps.

Could I be? I talk to him, tell me how the days going, etc.

How does God play a role in your day?

Do you ask him things? Advice? Guidance?

Ever just let hm know how your day is going?




  1. I ask him to help me on tests ,ask for solution ,ask for forgiveness and ask to become a better Christan,and sometimes think him.

    I use to go to church but haven't been in a month,(long story),but go to this 15 min preaching services on monday and fridays before school and every other week go to FCA meeting before school ,where i am an officer

  2. It doesn't.

  3. God doesn't play a role. We do. Playing a role means acting. God is God. He does what God does. You are not bothering Him at all. There is nothing more important to Him than to listen to you. When you talk to your heavenly Father, you are no longer playing a role. You are being someone who knows her God enough to talk to Him. And you are pleasing Him.

  4. He makes me answer dumb questions like this one Y!A.  

  5. Everyday through Bible study and prayer. But He is also on my mind a lot daily. Everything in my home is done around first Bible study and Prayer, then I can face the day. And playing Christian Music.

    I always pray for wisdom and guidance. God is concerned for everyone. And He is concerned about everything we do. No matter what the problem God has the answer.

    He wants us to bother him as you say. He's on call 24/7 and never turns away from our Prayers, especially a Prayer of Repentance.  

  6. S/he doesn't


  7. The only role 'god' plays in my life is trying to make people realize he's about as real as Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.

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