
How does Greyhound handicapping Wizard manages your betting money?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I am unable to manage my betting money on greyhound betting races. I would like gto know, how does this famed, "Greyhound handicapping Wizard" manages the money invested on greyhound betting races.




  1. Money Management:
        Let's face it, what good is a racing program without sound money management to go with it. How many times have we all gone to the track with visions of grander only to go home with empty pockets? I bet more times then you care to admit to. If you think this program is going to win every race, think again, no program can do that for you. If you think you can win betting every race over the long term and come out ahead, think again. Greyhound Wizard isolates on average 6 to 12 races on a 15 race card that give you the best chance of cashing a winning ticket.

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