
How does Hillary's Ability to Properly Raise a Child Differ from Mrs. Palin's Ability/Record?

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How does Hillary's Ability to Properly Raise a Child Differ from Mrs. Palin's Ability/Record?




  1. Well, it was questioned If Hill couldn't control her husband, how could she control the U.S.?

    I say If Sarah can't control her own Anti-s*x education Daughter........

    Hill and Bill raised an wonderful daughter who has a good job, income and is not pregnant, on the other hand......

  2. Off limits! Stop discussing minor children. Hillary wasn't criticized when she was in office over Chelsea.

  3. A 4 month old baby is different than a 12 year old.

  4. Did Hillary raise a child?  Oh yeah, but we weren't allowed to ever see her or discuss how ugly she was or anything were we.  Oh maybe you meant Bill.

  5. Because Hillary was a responsible parent. Consequently, Chelsea didn't end up shacking up with some jock in the back of a car and getting pregnant.

    I've had about all I can stomach of the sordid Republican "family values."  A bunch of cats in heat have better morals.

  6. oh eck not this again  

  7. Hillary knew she could only handle one child along with her busy career as a corporate lawyer and political wife. So that's all she had.

  8. Hillary expects the village to do it ....NOT the parents....AKA....WELFARE

  9. A.  Chelsea was surrounded by Secret Service Agents.

    B.  She was ugly as sin.

  10. She shielded her eyes when Daddy was spraying a milkshake on that young intern.

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