
How does Hillary feel about Palin?

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Does anyone know how Hillary feels about McCain's pick for the VP? Is she more concerned about a woman in office or is she really supporting Obama?




  1. for the answer to that you'd have to ask Hilary.  If I had to put myself in her shoes though, I would say he is overall glad that he picked a woman as his running mate but that she isn't the best choice he could have made.  I think she supports Obama because it is for the good of the Democratic Party.  At the end of the day, you have to go with your party if you want to take the White House back from the Republicans.  I'm sure she has buried the hatchet because it is the right thing to do for the party overall.

  2. She's probably confused at this point!  However the reality is that voters want someone who will really clean up congress!   Palin seems the obvious choice.  Hillary promises program after program as does Obama, but the people really don't trust anyone in congress.   Congress has a lower approval rating than does the President.  Hillary and I guess the balance of Democrats just learned that the principal concern of the American people is the clean-up of congress!  This is something Hillary never addressed and Obama talked about, but Palin already knows how to do!  

  3. Hilary is only concerned with what does or does not help her gain power, period. She loves what does help her, and she hates what doesn't. It's not that complicated. Whatever she says will be calculated to help her get what she ultimately wants, so like or not isn't really a consideration with that lady.

  4. As much as Hillary has tried to put on a good face in support of BHO, she'd probably give McCain a wink and a nod for his superb choice in selecting Palin over all the others. It's like telling Obama, " You really blew it, didn't  you".

  5. Does anyone really care???  

    She has no choice but to make nice, but I'm sure she'd rather eat a dead frog than to say she'd be an excellent VP.

    Anything less would look like sour grapes.

  6. inmypjstilnoon got it right.  Why wouldn't Hillary be secretly delighted with Palin.

    Here is another link to illustrate my point

  7. Hillary cares about her own power and legacy.  She doesn't really care if Palin is a woman or not.  She hates Obama, but now she has to smile and support him.

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