
How does Israel expect to strike Iran? half of it's army is teenage girls.?

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well the other half that are men in israel's army are more like women also so it's defeat is certain.




  1. An Israeli teenage girl soldier can whip any Arab soldier.    That is because the Israelis learn how to fight as a team and all the Arab wants to do is get 72 virgins.

    I know this to be true because it has happened many times before.





    Lebonon x 2.

    Iran had just better hope it is the USA that goes after them instead of Israel.   Israel is on a roll,  the USA is not.

  2. The Jews in Israel will kick off a war using their air force (paid for and supplied by the US) and the Jews in the US government will get the US to send its armed forces over to Iran to do the blood letting. For some reason the Jews don’t like bleeding themselves so since they control America they get the US army to do that.

    That way the half of it's army that is teenage girls can stay at home in safety.

  3. If they plan on striking Iran, then they plan on using their army.

    What? Do you think a d**k is required to fight?

  4. Do you know what you are talking about?

    The bulk of Israel's military, or rather the bulk of the military that would actually see action on the front lines should a war break out, is male. That is true of most militaries, BTW.

  5. Well I know one thing... This thing between Israel and Iran is heating up pretty bad. Israel doesn't care if Iran is made up entirely of girls! They will attack, and attack harshly if they are provoked.

  6. ppl in 1973 the egyptians won the war not israel.............

  7. Israel can send any of these 18 year old girls and they would still kick your army's butt. They have something that none of your soldiers saw before: Balls.

    Remember 1967, as**ole. Egyptian peasants running barefoot asking forgiveness.

    Remember 1991, as**ole. The courageous Iraqi arny crying like pussi*s after 24 hours of the american invasion and waving white flags.

    If I was you, I would pray that your lunatic leader gives up his dreams of becoming the new Salah-A-Din...

  8. That Army destroyed the combined forces of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon TWICE. They were clearly the superior of those foes, and they did it with women! You had better give credit where it is due!

  9. go for the nukes

  10. The attack will be made using fighter jets bought from or given by the US to Israel, carrying air-to-ground missiles, and probably guided by US surveillance aircraft acting as spotters.  These type of actions only strengthen the impression that Israel and the US are the same country.

  11. It would strike Iran with F-15 fighters and missiles not teenage girls.

  12. you'r right, but those teen age girls can take on half a dozen american meatballs.

  13. If this misogynistic  mindset is indicative of Iranian thinking,

    Israel has little to fear. A gun out-shoots a burqa anyday .

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