
How does JR Nation feel about the McMurray accident?

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What is your opinion of it and who is to blame?




  1. I think it was just racing and the two got together  I think McMurray's spotter better watch more carefully.  But no one really came out of that very good both cars were pretty torn up and both of their nights were out.  I like Jamie McMurray and he hasn't really done anything like that he is a good guy.

  2. I wish people would stop blaming mcMurray.  It was just hard racing. It was bad for both drivers.  I love when drivers say mcmurray sucks when he has the same amount of points wins in the last two years as Jr.  lol.  Jr has one points win in the last two years and is the best driver in the world. Jamie has one points win in the last two years and is the worst driver in the world. Go figure.

  3. They HATE THIS QUESTION!!! and YOU!!! stop asking this...if you want their opinion..look like 5 questions down!!!  this is like the 5th MCMURRAY JUNIOR QUESTION!!!..yes junior was hit...junior nation was sadden....DONE!!!!

  4. I feel like MacMary is a numbnuts that never was anything and never will amount to anything.  I also wonder who will be the next idiot to sign him when Roush drops him next year?  Gibbs could use another idiot in his stable.

    Andrea B-  HAHAHAHAHAHA.  MacMary fans?  Thats funny!  Have you ever seen MacMary fans?  Theres about as many of them as Casey Atwood fans.

    Trav- MacMarry has 1 points win in the last 6 years, get it right ballsack.

  5. Sh*t happens.

  6. How about you ask it the other way around. How do McMurray fans feel about the Jr accident. I think we all already know how Jr nation feels about the wreck. It was all Jamie's fault he should have opened his eyes a little wider.

    Lets look at the other side of the story sometime too. Not everybody is a Jr. fan.

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