
How does K Meson decay upset the Standard Model of particle physics?

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Just wondering . . .




  1. The K Meson (also called a Kaon) decay does not, exactly, upset the Standard Model because it is considered part of the Standard Model. However, it does display an interesting property called CP-Violation. In most cases, if you take any process and invert the Charge (turn particles into anti-particles) and take the mirror image of it (by taking the negatives of all the spatial coordinates; called Parity), then it progresses in the same way and at the same rate. In Kaon decay, however, this isn't true; inverting the charge and reversing the spatial coordinates makes the process slightly different.

  2. By introducing the k mason principal, the dogleg on the third hole becomes a fish head on the bathroom counter, thereby dissolving the nasty yellow stains and relieving the tension in your noodle.

  3. Yeah, what that guy andrew said. questions like this always make me want to frow up.

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