
How does Mc Donald's cook their hamburgers?

by Guest60650  |  earlier

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How does Mc Donald's cook their hamburgers?




  1. You should read how they make em'! Fast Food Nation is my reccomendation :)

  2. They get it out of a box and fry them. It not fresh. Then they fry them on the grill. I use to work at McDonalds. thats what they do about everyday.

  3. I worked at McDonalds for 2 years. They do not deepfry them and they do not microwave them . They put them on a flat grill and the top comes down and it cooks them on boths sides. Takes about 38 seconds to cook a regular hamburger patty and 80 seconds to cook a quarter lb patty

  4. On a "flat-top" (a large, flat grill).  BK charbroils their burgers.

  5. they pre cook on the grill then put the hamberger and bun in the micro to warm it up

  6. As mentioned before, they grill them by putting the patties on a grill then pulling the top down on the patties. When the top rises, the patties are cooked.

  7. they deepfry them!! its disgusting!!

  8. microwave.

  9. back in the day, '02, i worked the grille at mcd's and whe just took the frozen patties and put them on a flat steel grille with a top that came down, and crunched the patties together with a timer. then you would remove them when it dinged, it wasnt that disgusting.

  10. they microwave them then keep them under a heater

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