
How does Michael Phelps choose his events?

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He's so awesome, how come he doesn't do more events. Such as the 50M or 100M. It seems he does the longer harder ones, how come he doesn't do all the short ones.




  1. He chooses the events by seeing what he is best at and by judging on his times and how fast he swims to see what events he has his best chance of winning.

  2. Watch Michael Phelps videos at Beijing 2008 Olympic swimming finals below

    Complete collection of 8 Gold Medals Videos

  3. To pick his events, he puts the names of all the swimming events into a hat and pulls eight out.

  4. his schedule is already packed and if he does longer events or even shorter he will be more tired. he has the most filled schedule there. sometimes he has 40 min between each event and he cant even relax then he has drug testing and press to deal with. taking more events would be insanse

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