
How does Mr. Obama plan to finance his "health insurance for everyone" plan?

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How does Mr. Obama plan to finance his "health insurance for everyone" plan?




  1. You can bet it won't be out of his pocket, but out of ours!!

  2. Taxes.  And you can expect costs to go up every faster if the government is paying.  Just think about how much fraud and bill padding exists in Medicare and multiply that out by the entire country.  People do not value things that are "free."  If they do not have to fork out cash for doctor bills at the time of service, many people will show up at the doctor's office constantly and demand the most expensive (and not needed) treatments available.  If taxes are paying for the bills, people will feel entitled to take advantage of the system by demanding frequent visits and treatments.......even if their bills far exceed the amount they personally paid in.

    Insurance ONLY works if the plan takes in MORE money than it spends.  If people over utilize services, the average contribution will have to rise to offset the average usage.

    Massachusetts tried a plan to get everyone some form of health insurance.  Congratulations....they got a majority of the population covered.  Too bad the doctors are so over worked and back logged that it takes months to see a general practitioner.  Does anyone actually want that on a national level????

    Instead, we should work on getting healthy and staying healthy so we don't need so much medical care.

  3. Raise Taxes. With the cost of Medicine through the roof there is no other way to finance such a plan. Look at canada. THey have socialized medicine and there are two taxes. 1) Government Tax 8% and a Provicial Tax 8%. This tax is levied on all goods sold. The governement tax is what pays for the insurance program.

    Socialized Medicine is not all good. There are always caps placed on the amount Dr's can make. When canada introduced socialized medicine many of the best Dr's there moved to the US. Where will they go if and when the US introduces a similar program?

  4. Increasing taxes on the rich.

    Eat the rich DOES NOT WORK!!!

    It ALWAYS results in higher taxes for EVERYONE.

    Hold on to your wallet if he is elected.

  5. By raising everyone's taxes. That way everyone has to pay for it, whether you use it or not. And if you use it, you have to accept the package they force you to take. If you don't, you'll end up paying double for your health insurance; once for the "free" version, and once for the insurance you really want.

  6. TAXES!!

  7. Maybe You should try to google it first ,nonetheless, if you prefer some direct resource ,here might be helpful.

  8. If Bush can come up with money to wage war on anyone

    that ticks him off Obama can come up with the money to do something that is REALLY useful.

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