
How does NASA get funding for all the missions that they do?

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NASA spends millions on their missions, but how do they come up with all that money? Me and most people couldn't come up with millions from what seems like thin air. So how do they do it?




  1. Nasa gets about 0.6% of the US Federal Budget.

    You'd be better off asking how the Government uses the OTHER 99.4%.

    Or how Medicare manages to pay out 60 billion dollars (or more than 3 times NASA's entire budget) every year in fraudulent claims, and why nobody in government seems interested in fixing that.

  2. u.s. federal government plus private investment.

  3. Bake sales, garage sales, that kind of thing. You can pick up some really cool stuff at a NASA garage sale, for cheap!

  4. It's call budget appropriation. Congress gives them the money, which is collected from the taxpayers, at least until the current lot got in, and they just print money without any backing, which will ultimately ruin the dollar.

  5. Taxpayer DOLLARS-- just like every other government agency.

  6. Nasa mooned the tax payers pretty good with the fake moon landings.

    There are endless holes in the NASA production. Wait'll you see the not quite hidden power cords in some photos supposedly taken on the moon. Then there's one photo in the book of Aldrin and Armstrong saluting the flag, where they claim the sun is at about 13ø, but Aldrin's photo was taken when the sun was at 26.4ø and Armstrong's was taken with the sun at 34.9ø, if one goes by the shadows they cast. Worse, the shadows are in two different directions, and the flag casts no shadow at all. The angles of the sun were calculated by the lengths of the shadows compared to the height of the men. The sun moves about 10ø a day, so Aldrin's photo would have had to be taken a day after they claimed, and Armstrong's a day later, all followed by some computer trickery to combine them.

    china will reveal the truth soon.  

    nasa even fooled its employees into thinking it was real.

  7. They write and sell hit songs like Doppler Shift and the Swift Satellite Song.

    click on "Listen to Song" on the left of the page

  8. You pay for it in your taxes.  Uncle Sugar gives them the money and he gets it from you (and everyone else in the US).

  9. Federal budget line item plus charges to private companies who take advantage of NASA's services (like experiments on ISS, privately funded aeronautical research, or rockets for putting up satellites).

    Yeah, what NASA 'produces' seems like "thin air" often.  Pure science, R&D, and stuff like that generally do.  And it's hard to demonstrate a specific return on investment for backing exploration.  But all those things have value, too.

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