
How does Nascar determine what order qualifying is in, and the order lineup on pit-road?

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How does Nascar determine what order qualifying is in, and the order lineup on pit-road?




  1. They determine the qualifying order with a lottery system like bingo and then when they qualify they get to pick their spots on pit road .

  2. they draw for qualifing spot. and  the pit selection goes by quialifing order. the pole get first pick, outside pole get second pick and so on.

  3. they determin their running order by witch driver has the most drivers points &where they are in the standings.

  4. Roll of the Dice

  5. The drivers draw numbers for qualifying and the pit lineup(or pit selection) is based on qualifying order;)

  6. Qualifying order is determined by a lottery like draw (yes even down to picking numbers out of a machine).

    Starting in 2008 the non-top 35 teams are grouped at the end of the session.

    The order the cars qualify, determines who picks what stall.

    for eg.

    Dale Jr. wins the pole he gets to pick 1st

    then 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

  7. The qual. order is randomly chosen and then the pit road lineup is chosen in order after qualifying. For example the person who gets the pole chooses first and the 43 qualifier chooses last. Thats how the pole person always gets a great pit stall!

  8. Qualifying order is picked at random, they draw from a hat, if you will...

    teams select their own pit boxes, the winner of the pole gets first choice, 2nd place gets second choice, etc...

  9. ok first off the top 35 in owner points are locked in so sponsers or higher paying sponsers dont get cut out and then the other 7 drivers must make it in on time like say  the last place drivers time at martinsville was a 16.899  and then jeff only ran a 16.956  he would get  42cd atoumaticaly becuase of his owner points which is based off of  past performances and just showing up now the 43rd spot is reserved for  the  champions provisinal that means that the  a past champion of the sprint  cup can get in even if he dosent qualify on time then the  other  odd number of guys try to race there way in  and if they dont they get sent home now the pole winner or the guy who gets the fastest lap gets first pick of the pit stalls and they just pick from there

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