
How does Obama compare to a socialism?

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I've seen a few questions and comments on here stating that Obama really wants a socialist government. Well, not being sure myself of what a socialist society is, I looked it up, and got even more confused. Can someone explain this what a socialist society is and how Obama view fits into that? Thanks




  1. Obama believes that we should be judged by the way we treat the least among us.  That is, that we should heal the sick, feed the hungry, etc.  That's called being Christian.

    The republicans want to ensure that millions don't have health insurance and stay sick and dying, bomb people in other countries that have oil, and generally cause more death and misery as long as it turns a profit.

  2. There is a Republican push through their media news outlets to redefine the word socialism to mean taxes and social spending.

    This goes back a century or more when labor unions were also called socialist.  The true definition, of course, involves the government taking over the means of production and taking ownership of businesses.

    They typically pretend that tax money is being used to create level income, where everyone earns the same amount - and that that is socialism.  It's pure nonsense, but they have a lot of people convinced - even Democrats.

  3. A universal health care system that covers everyone would have to operate in such a way that stockholders and executives working in health insurance will not become rich on their investments and the over all business model would be invalidated.

    Actual health care providers do not suffer that fate, but health care insurance companies would not fair any better than they would if the entire nation suddenly became healthy.

  4. Obama wants to take away the tax cuts that Bush gave to the rich, and then give tax cuts to everyone else... He also wants to take away corporate tax loop holes, and thus the Republicans are now yelling socialism... they want to protect the top 5% at the expense of the bottom 95%... why... I have no idea, probably why for the same reason they want to give oil companies tax cuts.... it's Bushenomics which they hope to keep going if McCain wins office....

    BTW.... If they can call Obama a socialist for wanting to give the bottom 95% tax cuts, can't we call McCain a fascist for waving around "Country First" signs, isn't putting the country before the people what fascism is all about...

  5. Obama wants to punish people for being successful by taxing them to death and giving it away frivolously. By doing this he is redistributing the wealth of the country. The American dream is not to be successful and make decent money just to have the government take it and give it to someone else. If he becomes president, the American dream goes out the window.  

  6. It doesn't, Republicans who don't like something scream "socialism" the way people in the Middle Ages used to scream "witch", they neither know nor care if there is any validity to the charge.  A detailed explanation of what Socialism actually means is beyond the limited scope of this forum, but it should be understood that, like Plato's "Republic" or Thomas Moore's "Utopia", Socialism was an idealized economic system to which we could aspire, not something that was intended to be put into actual practice in any but small groups, like a family group, where everybody contributes what they can and takes what they need, always putting the overall good the family first.  That would work for a Family Farm in the 1850s, it wouldn't work for an Industrial Nation the size of the U.S. in the 21st century, nor was it intended so to do.

  7. Socialism is essentially "rob from the rich and give to the poor" and make everyone in society have an equal amount of wealth. It seems like a nice thing to do for poor people which is why so many people support it. However, it doesn't work.

    When the most intelligent and productive people are robbed too much they stop working so hard and stop taking the risks that are needed to build businesses. As a result, there are less jobs and less wealth and less opportunity for everybody, including the poor.

    When "poor" people are guaranteed equal money they stop working and become lazy and irresponsible. Since they know they are guaranteed as much money as everybody else there is no reason to work or be responsible. This is why our so-called poor communities have 90% illegitimacy rates and most of them drop out of high school. They know the government will take care of them so there is no reason to work hard. They just make babies and wait for their government check.

    Obama is not a pure socialist and McCain is not even close to being a pure free market capitalist but Obama is much closer to being a socialist than McCain. This is why conservatives like me call Obama a socialist.

    Pure socialism has been a miserable failure and has failed all over the world. Europe is much more socialistic that the US and most Democrats would like us to be more like Europe.

  8. Socialism-  Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy (

    Fascism is the road were headed to.

  9. wealth redistribution is the mantra of his campaign. taking the money from the rich and spreading it to the poor. just like cuba. that's socialism. a lot of countries have abandoned such forms of government especially around eastern europe, because socialism doesn't really work.

    in a capitalist society, the harder you work, the more successful you become.

    in a socialist society, it doesn't matter how hard you work, everyone gets paid the same.

    that's a good way of simplifying it.


  10. socialist governments are most often found in a parliamentary system.

    I don't think a parliamentary would ever be found in the US

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