
How does Odysseus act as a hero?

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so For English I have to write how Odysseus follows the seven requirements for being a hero.

1. born or conceived under miraculous circumstances

2. born under a premonition or society need

3. threat to young hero's life (is this the fruit tree thing?)

4. quest (i get this one)

5. confrontation

6. divine intervention ( I get this one)

7. tools to assist his quest

8. face death, go to the land of death and return with new knowledge back from his quest

ok, so it doesn't really say anything about Odysseus's childhood in the book. I have to say something for all of these.




  1. 1. Doesn't fit the profile - normal birth - father is Laertes, King of Ithaca and his wife Anticleia.  But his maternal great-grandfather is supposed to be the God, Hermes.

    2. born under a premonition or society need -- Odysseus is always the trickster and the cunning one.  He devised the agreement that had all the kings of Greece agree to support the man who married Helen and to go to war if she was stolen away.  So, Odysseus was necessary to the start of the Trojan War.  Also, he figures out how to end the war (Trojan horse),

    3. threat to young hero's life (is this the fruit tree thing?)  don't know that reference.  Odysseus fakes insanity to try to get out of going to Troy - he plows a field with salt.  The Greeks trick him into proving he's sane by placing his infant son in front of the plough.

    4. quest (i get this one)

    5. Lots of confrontation - the Suitors, his "battling" with Poseidon, the fight over Achilles' armour, the sack of Troy, Also - Odysseus's confrontation with everyone - as he is a trickster to the dead -- he confronts Penelope as the beggar and then as Odysseus - she does not believe he's returned.

    6. divine intervention ( I get this one)

    7. All of the assistance by the Gods, (Bag of Winds from Aeolus, instructions from the dead seer, Tiresias, the dog Argus dying at O's approach, His scar that confirmed his identity, the famous Bow used in the test of the Suitors)

    8. O went into the Underworld after leaving Circle's island to learn from Tiresias how to get home safely.  Faced death many times fighting Trojans, the Suitors, etc.

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