
How does Old 35 year senate member Biden fit into Obamas empty promise of "change"?

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How does Old 35 year senate member Biden fit into Obamas empty promise of "change"?




  1. Very nicely, Obama says jump, and Joe jumps.  

  2. biden doesn't really have any baggage, he had a sad tragedy so people feel bad for him, and he's happy all the time. so....obamas got an empty running mate to and doesnt have to deal with a risky partner like mccain chose to do. but...

    now whos getting the most publicity!

  3. Don't worry, if he gets elected we'll see plenty of change:  higher taxes, more government control of your life, more spending, and the economy in the toilet just like the democrat controlled congress has done in these last months...

  4. Actually I was liking Obama until he picked Biden... I really wish he would have picked Hillary...

  5. He's his foreign policy experience.

  6.'s a test to see if the Dems can spot their own hypocrisy.

  7. He takes Amtrak home every day.  How many other senators go home via Amtrak every day?

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