
How does Osama Bin Laden view American citizens? ?

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First of all, please, do not give me a rant about how much you hate Osama Bin Laden and how evil he is or how terrible 9/11 was… please, don’t tell me the obvious, so hopefully you can answer my question with the answer I’m looking for.

I know that Osama Bin Laden obviously hates the US government and hates the American way of life, but what is his view on actual American citizens, the average American? How does he view Americans as a whole, like does he consider Americans to be evil, does he consider American to be brainwashed by the government, does he consider Americans to be innocent people who are at mercy of the evil government (from his point of view)? What is his actual opinion on the 300 million American citizens?

I would like to see an actual quote from him and sourced. Also, I am NOT supportive of Osama Bin Laden in any way, I’m just trying to understand how he views the American people, like does he think we’re brainwashed, or just evil, etc? Also, what are his views of people from other western countries?




  1. Osama himself was a secular, and educated in the West as well. Unlike many figures educated in the West Osama stood against what he thought was injustice in a US dominating world. Remember, Osama is was a billionaire, he could enjoy his lifestyle and not bother politics, like many world dictators that were educated in the West and currently they are brutalizing their own people. Osama, choose to live in a cave, rather a mansion, and not listen to American policy makers.

    I believe that Osama does not hate the average individual American citizen, rather the US policies towards the Muslim world, he does not even care about the US way of life, and its national politics in the US. Why would Osama care about what happens inside US politics?.

  2. I don`t think he cares really, about american citizens. He probably thinks that the U.S government is zionist controlled & therefore evil in his mind. It`s not really important what he thinks, to me he`s just another arab who`s totally rotten in the head.

  3. His perspective is entirely different than ours but he's not "evil". He thinks what he's doing is good. He targets Americans and Zionists.

    "God knows it did not cross our minds to attack the towers but after the situation became unbearable and we witnessed the injustice and tyranny of the American-Israeli alliance against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, I thought about it. And the events that affected me directly were that of 1982 and the events that followed -- when America allowed the Israelis to invade Lebanon, helped by the U.S. Sixth Fleet. As I watched the destroyed towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me punish the unjust the same way (and) to destroy towers in America so it could taste some of what we are tasting and to stop killing our children and women." -Osama Bin Laden

    And here's a quote to answer your question:

    "We believe that the biggest thieves in the world are Americans and the biggest terrorists on earth are the Americans." - Osama Bin Laden

  4. I strongly believe he and he's organization doesn't hate from a ordinary  american citizen.

    They believe Mr.Joe Bluecollar guide by Jew's ( hey, I'm not anti-semitist .. I just talking about my guess ) , they think Mr.Joe and his friends are manipulated easily by media and government.

    That's why they always target the mediatic points. In my opinion they are blood thirsty animal's.They use a religion for reach the political victory and more power. Just like a other maniac terrorist Hassan-i Sabbah, they use same tactics like Sabbah.

    Kill the people with assassins who believe goes thu heaven after dead.

    ( same old tricks )

    What I think about him and his organization? Those guys are sick, they had a kind of non-curable sickness, that's why they must killed like a viruses or mad dogs, immediately for common good.

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