
How does SOLID waste pollution have an impact on living things?

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how does it affect living animals and humans in the enviornment?(ex-littering)




  1. Probably the most important type of solid waste is toxic waste. That is waste that contains dangerous materials like lead, arsenic, mercury and thinks like that. Those materials if disposed of improperly can contaminate water supplies and sicken wildlife and people.

    Things like plastic bags, soft drink 6-pack holders, bits of metal, fishing line and other solid objects can cause problems to animals that try to eat them or get tangled up in them.

    Organic wastes like food and yard waste can cause water pollution by releasing to many nutrients into lakes and streams this can cause over growth of algae reduce available oxygen for fish and can damage water quality.

    Solid waste dumps can attract scavengers looking for food and cause shifts in the populations of animals that live around them disrupting the natural balance of wildlife. Also waste dumps take up space that could otherwise be a place for wild life to live.

  2. Solid waste properly disposed of in your garbage that goes to inadequate landfills that are understaffed or underfunded can result in much pollution into the environment that can be very bad for plants, animals, and even people. For example, alkaline batteries that are properly disposed of in the trash but not taken to be recycled can leach, a scientific term involving rainwater and the chemicals created at a landfill getting into the surrounding woods, into the environment. These get into our waterways, our food, and even us. Mercury can get into the fish and other animals and other harmful chemicals. The solid municipal waste creates a cloud or gas. There is even a leach pool, or supposed to be, to control the leachate.

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