
How does Sarah's daughter's young pregnancy influence your vote?

by Guest60218  |  earlier

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I was going to vote for Obama but now I could relate to her and I am voting for Palin. I had a daughter that was pregnant at a young age and I know what they are going through




  1. I will still vote for McCain & Palin.

  2. I just think it's just another strategy to get more votes. lol, j/k. I couldn't care less about this, I'm still sticking with my vote.

  3. This just makes Sarah more admirable.  I am proud to be voting for her.  She is more in touch with the common people than any of the candidates.

  4. I will still vote McCain/Palin.  

  5. It does not bother me one bit.  This happens to MANY American families and many of those do not handle the situation with love and support at all.

    My niece (age 20) just had a baby out of wedlock.

    This sort of thing happens to families of all walks of life and socio-economic classes.

    The McCain-Palin ticket is fine with me.

    McCain-Palin 2008!

  6. Just because you can relate does not mean you should vote for her. If you believe what Obama believes, vote for Obama. You obviously aren't looking at the issues because if you had any opinion or stance on them, you wouldn't change your vote because of the "Juno effect".

    I still find everything she stands for repulsive. She's a member of the NRA. She's against birth control and g*y marriage. Not to mention she doesn't believe global warming is man's fault.

  7. Accepting the responsibility and doing the right thing is the answer. Trying to fix your own problem the right and only way. We all make mistakes in our life and accepting this is a hard thing for every one.  Palin has accepted life's responsibility with the right answers.

  8. it does not be influence me at all, I was not voting for mc cain before, and I am not voting for him now

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