
How does Sheep and Cow rearing effect the global warming?

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How does Sheep and Cow rearing effect the global warming?




  1. A major factor of rainforest destruction is deforestation to make room for grazing land for livestock.  Cows are obviously very large animals that require large amounts of grass.  With the growing population of the world, demand for meat is increasing.  To accomodate this demand, more grazing land is required to raise livestock.  In order to obtain this grazing land, large swaths of rainforest are burned down, not only destroying the forests that are crucial to filtering out greenhouse gases, but also releasing vast amounts of it into the air.

  2. Animals produce methane in the digestive track, but almost equal to all animals methane is the methane produced by termites. In fact, 50% of the greenhouse gasses are not CO2. This is why we can clean up our mess we made w ith CFC's and methane and some CO2 and cool the earth. Another problem with animals grown for humans to eat is the large amonts of water they drink. With fresh water on the decline, we need more solutions like reservours.

  3. For starters sheep and cows are both ruminants, so they emit methane, which is a strong greenhouse gas.

    More importantly, sheep and cows require large amounts of pastureland, which leaves less land for CO2-absorbing forests.

    Studies have shown that livestock account for 18% of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions when all factors are taken into account, as discussed in the links below.

  4. Haven't you figured it out yet?

    Everything causes global warming !!

  5. I am so thankful that global warming freaks keep bringing up things like, "too many cows." This is what keeps people from taking the whole thing seriously.

  6. Its actually deeper than people think. You must take into consideration the entire cycle. A cow roaming in pasture will emit methane. Yes. However, most cows don't actually roam in pasture. They are fed corn in most of the country. Corn is not a natural part of a cows diet, and it increases the methane released by the cow.

    Also to consider the corn. Farming techniques in the industrialized world input more energy than is harvested. The movement of eating local food to lessen your carbon imprint is somewhat of a myth considering the techniques most industrial farming uses. The energy used to artificially irrigate the fields, the energy used to harvest and process. The energy used to create the fertilizer, instead of just using manure. Transporting, etc. etc.

    Then also consider the cost of transporting the cows to slaughter, and the energy used to slaughter them, package the meat and ship the meat.

    Besides the methane, its a pretty energy intensive process. But it tastes soooo goooood.

  7. According to many scientific studies, cows are the largest producers of methane on the planet.  Methane is a "greenhouse gas" and a supposedly major culprit in global warming.  Cows and sheep have been around for thousands of years so therefore it shoots the "man-made global warming theory" right out of the barrel.

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