
How does Tiger Woods fly to Dubai?

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How does Tiger Woods fly to Dubai?




  1. He has a private jet. A NetJet to be more specific.

  2. United.  Coach.  He's a cheapskate.

  3. On his own jet.

  4. He called up Scotty, to beam him over there...smiling....

  5. His private jet...


    Generally, though, a few choice perks will be thrown in for him to leaven the mix.

    In his spare time, Woods loves to go fishing and scuba diving and he also possesses the thirst of a young boy to try most things that smack of adventure.

    At last week's Dubai Desert Classic, where he completed what he described as a "decent week" by tying for fifth at 12-under 276, the world number benefited from a wide range of perks.

    Some were purely for the benefit of the sponsors, but a couple were right up his alley in terms of their uniqueness and sheer pleasure.

    Last Tuesday, after spending 18 hours flying through 12 time zones in his private jet from California to Dubai, Woods was required to perform one of the more unusual publicity stunts of his career.

    With a cameraman in position to capture the moment, Tiger was taken to a helicopter pad at the top of the world's tallest hotel and, from an elevated tee of 321 metres, he drove several golf balls into the waters of the Arabian Gulf below.

    The sponsors were happy, and so too was Woods. The hotel, the remarkable seven-star Burj Al Arab, was also his home for the week.

    He and his Swedish fiance Elin Nordegren, the former nanny whom he has dated for the last two-and-half years, stayed in the fabulous royal suite in Dubai's most striking landmark.

  6. Direct i bet...

  7. Tiger is Superman he uses his cape dummy!

  8. In a jet or private plane

  9. In a plane like any other celebrity

  10. Catch up,  Titus.

    Tiger married Elin in 2004.

    They have a daughter,  Sam Alexis, who was born last



  11. southwest airlines, in coach.

  12. I'll bet Tiger doesnt have to layover in Detroit and Amsterdam like I would. Private Jet.

  13. 1st class.

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