
How does Time & Labor factor in a Caddy Job?

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I might start a caddy job and i, clueless about when you start out in the day. I hear that i will get paid tax free, and its more like volunteer work. are there normal work hours like a regular job? also, im only 5, 6' will height be a problem?




  1. You better be in gooooood shape. I was 5'0" when I caddied (135 lbs). AN 18 hole loop with two trunks like to kill me. On weekends we did two loops each day (or tried to). Get to the course as early as possible, and stay as late as possible. You're going to have to prove yourself to the Caddie Master before he'll break you into the lineup (of regular caddies). Wages are generally all under-the-table... but you're gonna earn'em!

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