
How does Vicodin make you feel?

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Seriously. Was it a bad idea or did it help?




  1. What are you going to take it for??  Vicodin is for severe pain relief.  It makes your pain go away and make you feel a little loopy headed.  Not like alcohol or being drunk but just out of it a little.  If you take more than the prescribed dose there can be bad side effects.  It make you feel a little dry mouth and short of breath some times.  It should be used as recommended and not as a casual drug to get high.

  2. If you are truly in pain, then of course Vicodin will help, it is a rather strong pain killer. I hope you got the prescription from your dr. and are not thinking of taking it from someone else. I don`t care for the feeling it leaves, kind of floaty and out of it. It does have side effects as most medicines do, some unpleasant, but take as your doctor instructed if you are in that much pain.

  3. My doctor gave/gives it to me for my severe migraines. It makes me nauseous. I was told to take 1-2 pills every 6 hours and the most I have taken is 1 whole pill over the course of a day. It affects me very strongly. I turn into a zombie and do nothing all day.

  4. It can upset an empty tummy. It can make you sleepy.

  5. haha it makes u feel good no more pain or worries also it makes u kinda tired or really tired ... its wonderful but u dont want to become addicted trust me

    look here the ladies don't like it when u come addicted

  6. It takes away really intense pain (like when I had my wisdom teeth removed).  It makes you groggy, and you'll likely go to sleep after you take it.  It actually feels good.

  7. i got vicoin when i broke my foot and when i took it it made me feel really good and made all the pain go away (but dont take more than you need its very addicting)

  8. 17.. you ain't no kid.

    It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Relaxed. Helps pain.

  9. numb ahaha

  10. Very sick

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