
How does a 13 yr old kid make money fast?

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How does a 13 yr old kid make money fast?




  1. There's like 5-6 pretty good money makers on They're all legit, you don't have to worry about that, I've don 'em all myself. My personal fav is the cash crate one and there's a whole page on it. You only have to be 13 to sign up for most of them. You could also try eBay, I hear a lot of people have been successful with that. Best of Luck!

  2. Cleaning peoples yards in your neighborhood, cutting grass, washing peoples cars, etc.

  3. Babysit or petsit. or tutor a kid.

  4. Hard physical labor. That's the only way, because you can't get a real "JOB" until you're 16.

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