
How does a 14 year old get booze?

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  1. (I'm 14)

    Using a Fake-Id, for best results I don't shave for a few days (early bloomer ftw?)

    The age here is only 18 though so it's not that hard to get.

  2. Ask a bum(homeless dude), thats what I used to do all the way until i turned 21.

    Somtimes they might want like a buck or two.

    Watch out for physical addiction.

  3. Ask an older brother or sister. Or wait out side a liquor store and ask some they might do it. Also ask friends if they know any one over 21 or if they have older brothers/sisters works for me im only 18.

  4. well most ask a adult friend to get it for them but i will say this ,you should not be drinking at your age you will suffer later  

  5. you don't! you take your want to be grown *** to school and learn better sense not to ask questions llike this. and futher more u are blessed that i am not your parent cause i would do like Madear on Tyler Perry and tear that *** up. my advice to u is to get educated and not drunk, have some pride and respect for yourself, because if u are the future i am scared already.TAKE YO *** TO SCHOOL!

  6. They wait 7 years.

  7. It's not worth it.

  8. well 14 year old kids don't get alcohol b/c it could really damage their bodies even possibly die. so im pretty sure thats why they made the law for the drinking and purchasing of alcohol age 21.

  9. I hope your not 14 and looking for booze. It is not what you may think it is, heck most things in life do not live up to the hype..wouldn't you agree?

  10. why to look cool ...thats really stupid and immature ur only year oldr than me and i would nvr consider drinking under age!!!

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