
How does a 15 year old agoraphobic/social phobic...?

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...well... pretty much multi phobic girl get a job? I want a job. I'd like to make my own money. But I have trouble leaving my home (except for school) and I find it hard working with people.





  1. If your agoraphobia is interfering with your life, I might suggest getting professional help.

    I'd also ask if someone diagnosed you with agoraphobia or how you know you have it?

  2. Ask yourself why you are so afraid? What are you afraid of? Try this. Imagine yourself going out talking to people, and imagine that you are having a great time, and people love and accept you. Then force yourself to go out more despite your fears. Force yourself to face those fears, and as you realize that the fear is baseless, it will gradually go away.

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