
How does a 5.1 surround sound movie sound on a 7.1 system??

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I know that most DVD's opperate on a 5.1 digital surround sound, but does it sound any better on a 7.1 at all




  1. A 5.1 movie would sound like 5.1 from a 7.1 receiver.

  2. Sound better, no. Unless the movie is coded for more than 5.1 (e.g. Dolby Digital EX) you will risk smearing the sound intended for one speaker between two.

    5.1 sound is designed to be played back from more or less defined locations relative to the listener. Usually the surround speakers are expected to be located to each side, just behind and about 2 feet higher than the listener. the extra speakers for a 7.1 setup (depending whether you follow THX or Dolby standards) should be behind and spaced to each side or behind and close together.

    Some people prefer to use a matrix decoder setting on their receiver to play 5.1 material to send some of the surround sound to the rear speaker(s), but while this may sound fuller, in my view it doesn't sound better. I'll admit it's personal taste though.

    Just keep in mind that most 5.1 surround only uses the surround channels for ambience and specific effects (such as to invoke the sound of a train or car passing from left to right behind the listener, or to put the listener in the centre of a battle). 5.1 will do this fine. Properly decoded and reproduced 6.1 or 7.1 sound allows greater realism, but as said earlier, forcing 7.1 from 5.1 tracks risks smearing and defeating rather than enhancing 5.1.

    So, bottom line ... If you don't have a 7.1 setup you aren't missing much given the dearth of 7.1 material. If you do, answer the question for yourself by trying it. After all it's how it sounds to you that counts.

    Hope this helps.

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