
How does a 7th grader make a's and b's in all subjects??

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im a female and im going to 7th grade i need to get a's and b's because my mom said she will give me some serious advantages!! so can you gives give me some ways and tips to getting a's and b's???




  1. Study! Study! Study!

    or cheat...joking..don't do that.

  2. I was in 7th grade last year and my best answer is just do all of your work, save the talking for lunch and try to pass tests.

  3. honestly, its not that hard to get a's and b's in middle school. middle school is easy. dont sweat it.

    -do hw(if its late turn it in the day after...they still accept it)

    -pay attention

    ur set. just do hw. its important. if you do all your homework and pay attention -->wallah A's and B's

  4. To get all a's and b's prepare to work.  It isn't easy, it can get hard, but it's worth it in the end.  Don't worry, though, I'm sure you can do it if you try.

    -**Do all your homework, not only will you get marks for it, you'll understand what your learning better.  

    -**Hand in assignments.  It'll help boost your marks up (only if you double check it to make sure its right, haha)

    -**Review your notes everyday, make it a habit, not work.  Just re read notes you took, skim it over a couple times, maybe for 10 minutes or so a day.

    -**Study for tests before the test (and I don't mean the night before).  Anytime you get a date for a test, its better to get cracking on studying right away, when you get home.  Study in 20 minute increments, for example study for 20 minutes, rest for 10 minutes and study again for 20 and so on until you covered what you wanna study for that day (do this until your test day).

    -**Hang out with friends (yes, hang out, but don't do anything extremely bad) You need breaks, and everything doesn't have to just be about school.  Take time to hang and chill with your friends and family.  (Seriously, don't get so absorbed into school that you have no outside life.)  Eat breakfast before school also, it'll help your body and brain, you can't concentrate when your stomachs growling all day.

    But considering your in grade 7, it won't be that hard.  Don't sweat it, your still a kid, remember to have fun while you still have a chance.


  5. I am in 7 grade and get straight a's. Just think about everything, and make sure that your teachers love you and make sure that you study a lot and never ever stop thinking and go overboard on a really regular assignment. Like write 6 pages where the requirement is 2. Your teacher will love you. And make sure to focus on your bad subjects (usually math)  

  6. I have no idea, I've gotten A's all my life, going into 8th this year. Just study hard, make sure you understand what you're studying, most important. If you don't, ask your teacher or look up the question on the internet. Remembering is a big part. If you can remember definitions and keywords, you're good. I had this entire Social Studies unit that was entirely about remembering Canadian History and I aced it, so it shouldn't be too hard.  

  7. Set a positive mood for studying, a productive time, and a less distracting space.Take responsibility for yourself

    Recognize that in order to succeed you need to make decisions about your priorities,

    your time, and your resources

    Center yourself around your values and principles

    Don't let friends and acquaintances dictate what you consider important

    Put first things first

    Follow up on the priorities you have set for yourself, and don't let others, or other interests, distract you from your goals

    For example, if you don't understand the course material, don't just re-read it.

    Try something else! Consult with the professor, a tutor, an academic advisor, a classmate, a study group, or your school's study skills cenGet a dedicated space, chair, table, lighting and environment

    Avoid your cellphone or telephone

    Put up a sign to avoid being disturbed or interrupted

    If you like music in the background, OK, but don't let it be a distraction. (Research on productivity with music versus without music is inconclusive)

    Stick to a routine, efficient study schedule

    Accommodate your day/nighttime energy levels

    See our Guide on Setting goals and making a scheduling


    Before you begin studying, take a few minutes to summarize a few objectives, gather what you will need, and think of a general strategy of accomplishment


  8. Study, and if you need help ask a teacher.

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