
How does a Cancer male flirt?

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How does a Cancer male flirt?




  1. We don't flirt.

  2. I'm a Taurus and I adore Cancer men.  Sentimental daydreamers they do tend to brood a lot. Fickle, sometimes hard to read.  Very sensitive, family oriented, duty to family.  Strangely moody.  Good talkers and charmers.  Love the company of women.  Can be insecure at times so they need to be reassured of your love.  My sister is a Cancer and she is very creative.  Good money maker opportunists.  Love being home.  They love to keep secrets from everyone.  All men flirt honey.  They're a little different.  When it comes to love making they'll scoop you up in their arms first before dragging you to a bed.  Might lay you next a chair or table first.  They love giving advice so go to them with a problem.  They love romantic music and settings, and conversations about family.  Always encourage them.  They love their chest rubbed.  

  3. Cancer men are not big/open flirts they are VERY shy people. If a cancer man like you he will approach you slowly and cautiously. The reason being is because they have a fear of rejection. They do not like others to make the first move. They will take the time to get to know you and if they like how you are they will SLOWLY make a move.

    It took about two months for my cancer to openly flirt. He started out by complementing me (about anything and everything) and calling/texting about my well being then asked me out on dates.

    But once you are with them and know them well it's a whole different story! Their minds (and the things they say) are filthy! But in a good way. :)

    If you like this guy just be patient with him....but whatever you do just don't push him! However if this is just a curious question well just as I said above they are shy.

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