
How does a Foreign Student Exchange Work?

by Guest56588  |  earlier

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  1. If you are speaking of high school level, first one finds a program. You can find a list of them certified to operate in the U.S.  at or ask your school counselor.

    Now you must apply to the program. Be honest on your application! That's very important! From that application, your program will find your new host family -- that is who you will live with while you are on your exchange.

    Be able to pay for it! They're expensive! Rotary is the cheapest, but most competitive!

    Prepare yourself to go! Learn some of the language, correspond with your family. Make sure your school is on board in how you will receive credit for your exchange.

    Get on the plane!

    You are now in a new country with new family and friends. Be patient! Things don't happen immediately. You will struggle!

    For lots more info, check out

  2. billy mcjenkins jr

  3. You can either contact your school to see if they are part of an exchange program or contact a study abroad program such as AFS or EF and select the best option for you. Basically, you will live and go to school in another country for a predefined length of time (it could be 4 weeks or 9 months). If you are under 18, you will most likely live with a family in that country. This family will become your host family. People over 18 have more options such as dormitories or apartments. Your family in your country will also have the option to host a foreign student.

    There are many options to study abroad and become an exchange student. Check out this directory for study abroad agencies, scholarships and more information:

    Good luck!

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