
How does a Listeriosis breakout happen in meat plants? (Like the one in Toronto)?

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Don't know how many people on here know about the meat recall at one of Canada's largest meat companies, but it was a breakout of "Listeria monocytogenes", a bacteria that caused at least 12 deaths in Canada of people who ate the meat infected with the bacteria.




  1. The conditions in these plants are unbelievably disgusting.

    That's why the meat industry wants people to handle meat so carefully and cook it so well.

    The stuff is literally a bio-hazard.

    It's loaded with bacteria, viruses and parasites that can make people sick or kill them.

    People regularly become ill from handling and eating meat but they fail to realize that it was the meat that caused it.

    However, once in a while, some meat will make it to the market that is so heavily contaminated that it causes some people to become so ill that they end up in a hospital or dead.

    Then doctors and investigators start looking to see what caused it and that's when they find the contaminated meat.

    All sorts of things can cause the meat to become more contaminated than usual.

    As I said before, the meat plants are unbelievably disgusting and they are operated by some of the lowest, most heartless people on the planet.

    When it comes to your health, they don't give a d**n.

    The only thing they worry about is money and not getting caught.

    Here are a couple videos that can help you understand what I'm talking about:


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