
How does a Misogynist get the way he is?

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What is the psychology of a misogynist?

If it weren't for a woman, he wouldn't even be here. Where does the hatred come from?




  1. A combination of the society he was raised in and his own personal inadequacies.

  2. The feminists caused the uprise of misogynists.

  3. Walking through the halls of misandry


    here is one way...

  5. Lucky for you, you can learn all about it in your woman's studies class, it would be a waste if you had to think for yourself :-D

  6. Well, men are receiving hateful comments by misandrist feminists all the time, some where badly treated by their mother or other female relatives, some were cheated by their wives, were financially misused, and after a while, if they do not find a honest woman but only disappointment, they are getting more and more mistrusting...and some of them finally might even hate women.

    Some men are finding their way out of misogyny, by re-arranging their life, by moving overseas to another country, by marriage with a foreign wife...

  7. I have to say, thing 55001 hit the nail on the head.  A lot of these people are frustrated by their lot in life and try to make themselves feel better by making themselves out to be the victims.  These are the types of people who complain about Affirmative Action when the town they live in is 98% white.

    And a lot of misogynists may have been abused or mistreated by women in the past.

    Of course the same goes for misandrists as well.  That's the formula for developing hate in people in general- whether they be black, white, male, female, etc.

  8. Schooling until certification, likely will need a loan to start up. Eventually will get some tables and hire some workers and they're guuud tah goe!

  9. Same way feminists turn to hating men, bad experiences or just evil.

  10. Perhaps the same way some women come to hate men. A few bad experiences can do a lot of damage.

  11. Disappointment, dissatisfaction and an inability to move forward with his or her life.

    Like most people who spend their days hating others, at bottom they hate themselves the most.

    Unfortunately, they are caught in a cycle of self denial and self loathing, and usually lack some capacity which enables them to move forward or through whatever issue is keeping them uhappy and unfulfilled.

    Sadly, such people can do a lot of harm to others as they thrash about in the net of their own torment.

    (This is not limited to misogyny ~ racism and homphobia are similarly expressions of self fear and loathing.)

    Best wishes :-)

  12. Dear old Mom

  13. Because they're ugly, fat and can't get a woman to  love them.

  14. Common background of a misogynist: Their mothers did not want them or love them (or both), they were rejected by females, grew up without their mother, or just had bad experiences with females in general and automatically assume all women are the same. Like someone already said, a few bad experiences can do a lot of damage.

    Anatol: It's just as easy (if not easier) to become a misandrist.

  15. How does a misandrist get the way she is?

  16. I look at it this way; males carry two chromosomes one X and the other Y; while, we women carry two of the very same and they're both Xs.  Meaning that if we have a boy or a girl; it's because of the male and we are only the carrier; like a kangaroo, but only on the inside; unlike the kangaroo our offspring does not crawl back in.

  17. Some bad experiences and then stumbling upon a point of view that seems to explain things. Much like racism, religion and frankly some branches of feminism.

  18. The person might be shy and its almost impossible to meet a girl when your shy because the rest of the guys are not shy even if they are total ediots the girl will most likely pick the outgoing guy.  So the poor shy guy get shot down if he thinks of trying because he gets a rep of being weird because he doesnt go to all the social events and he doesnt go get drunk all the time.  So this guy can never get a date unless she is what the other males have left behind and usually theres a reason for it.  So this guy never gets the love he needs and after awhile he starts to hate females because from his experience they are all evil.

  19. Its a point of view.  The mysogynist hates women because he associates bad things that have happened to him as being caused by women.  Even the women who seemed like they were nice to him can be seen as evil when he looks back on the things that have happened to him.

    The hatred may come in part from a dependence he has had on women, as your comment seems to imply.  s*x is something that most people need, and if a man gets turned down for whatever reason (he might even be impotent), he can learn to hate because he is unable to satisfy the need.

    So he needed that first woman to give birth to him, right?  Well, what if she didn't want him, and so she didn't love him when he was growing up?  Now he becomes an adult and he's looking for love (as we all do), only now he needs it even more, because he needs to satisfy that need that he had when he was growing up that never got answered.  So this leads him into co-dependent relationships which never work out and which only end up leaving him feeling more unsatisfied and empty inside.  As a result all those women who tried to satisfy his need for love over the years have turned him into a mysogynist because they've only ever ended up hurting him and failing to meet his needs.

    How's that sound?  Plausible?

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