
How does a baby girl get a circumsision?????

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i read a question that said that baby girls get circumsision.... where????

i am confunsed

SUGO baby!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. My baby girl did not get circumsized.  I have no idea what you are talking about.

  2. um girls aren't circumcised in some primitive cultures in africa and such they do practice female circumcision but it isn't practiced in most countries or even more modernly civilized countries.  

  3. Egypt and many African and Middle Eastern countries. Just like male circumcision it's nothing more than mutilation, they sometimes remove the labia or even the clitoris. Circumcision is a horrible practice on any gender and should be abolished.

  4. Wtf...?

  5. africa and south america mostly, they get their clitoris cut out, so gross and cruel

  6. I believe the clitoris can be circumsized.  I'd never do it. Not even to my boy.

  7. They dont.   dont confused youself  

  8. There are these poor children sometimes as old as when they get their first period, that get "circumcised" where they slice off their clitoris so that they will never be allowed to enjoy sexual intercourse.  It is a very cruel act.

  9. all women are born with tails that are promptly removed after their didn't know that?

  10. In some African cultures it is done at about 10

    it is mutilation and abuse in all cultures

  11. wut-the-h**l!!! Have u gon mad???

  12. it is the most horrible, painful thing any female on earth, should never be punished with. Happens mostly in Africa in countries where they are trying to keep the population down, they do it to 8-12 year old girls so they can never have s*x their whole life, and it is ireversible, aka permanent.

  13. only in 3rd world countries,, and they are trying to get it outlawed. its barbaric...... and cruel... its done to take away a womans pleasure... she can gain NO PLEASURE if this is done. they cut away her cliterous.  

  14. As far as I know, it happens in some tribes in Africa, and it's considered cruel and unusual in the western world. I know I'm not a big fan.

  15. Only baby boys get circumcised not girls.

  16. female circumcision is where the baby girls clitoris is removed through a surgical procedure. it is rarly practiced anymore exept in some religious practices and third world countries. i believe the article i first read about this in said that it is used to reduce sexual pleasure for the woman. this procedure holds more risks than benifits (i dont think it actually has any benifits)

  17. It's not circumcision... it's mutilation!!! But to answer your question... it's the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs.

  18. I dont think baby girls can get a circumsision, but there are some countries and cultures that around a girls 10th or 11th birthday, they are circumsized. I watched a documentry on this. A woman comes into the household (kind of like how they circumsize boys for jewish tradition)... they lay the girl down, give her some aspirin for relief, wrap a string around the clitoris, and pull until its pulled/torn off.

    To me, it sounds barbaric, and I dont think *aspirin* could cover the pain, but in those cultures, it's viewed as being dirty to not have the deed done.

    Poor girls.

    Lol why did I get a thumbs down? I dont condone it, I just gave info. =p

  19. Actually it is real. I heard about it first when I read an article about a tribe (as well i'm sure many other places) make all the girls when they come of age have their part of genitals cut out (no pain meds or anything) The article I read of why they do this is so they feel pain when their husbands have s*x with them so they do not want to have s*x and thus keep them from cheating on the husbands. very sad and well, unthinkable i know. But you can find more info if you google it.

    ok why are people giving thumbs down to every answer?

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