
How does a cat get worms

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how does a cat get worms




  1. Intestinal parasites are usually transferred through f***s and ingested in some way, assuming that's what you're referring to.

  2. There are many different ways, but the top ones are from eating grass, parasites, fleas, eating bad things, ect.

    There are many signs like vomiting, overeating, not eating, dragging, plus more.

    Basically, just take the cutie to the vet and get her/him shots and the deworm pill asap [:

  3. They can be born with them. When they kill mice or rodents, then eat the kill, they get worms from them.

  4. from their mother when they are born and from fleas that they accidentally eat

  5. By eating infected flees

    I asked my vet. the other day when I took my cat in.

    Your cat is especially more prone to getting worms if he or she has diabetes.

  6. Tape worms-the ones that look like little bits of rice-are caused by fleas. They only have to swallow one flea to get tape worms, you must get a prescription from a vet to get rid of them. The dewormers at the store never work. Most other worms are contracted by the cat actually consuming the eggs - from f***s (that they stepped in and licked off their paws).

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