
How does a child learn on the playground?

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How does a child learn on the playground?




  1. They can learn how well they can get alone with other children. They can also learn the different shapes and sizes that surrounds them.

  2. new friends which means to be social, they learn colors, plants, shapes, they have theier fun and excercise. its kinda common sense. they are little kids.

  3. They can learn social skills from interacting with other children. They have to learn how to ask to play with the other children, how to include others into their games, how to be kind to people, how to talk to people and what to do when someone is horrible to them

    They can use their imaginations, which is useful for lessons where they are asked to write something such as a story. They use their imaginations in the games they play in the playground

    Their vocabulary is increased, and I do not mean by the number of swear words and rude words they pick up from other children. They can also learn more about sentence structure from talking to the other children and having to form sentences

    Their hand-eye co-ordination is increased if they play things such as basketball

  4. they can make new friends, which help them to become more social

  5. Well, their body could learn how to do a number of different physical activaties.  they can also get better balance, and get better at getting through obstacles

  6. Gross motor skills(bikes, pouring sand,running jumping)




    Pretend play (acting out)

    Problem solving skills

    Eye hand cordintation

  7. all the above, plus fine motor skills. This is a skill area that is often overlooked on playground time planning. Picking up little stuff, sorting the collection, maybe even weaving nature findings through the fence. Or how about drawing w/ chalk on the sidewalk?

  8. They learn:

    -Social Skills-sharing, turn taking, being with others, friendships etc.

    -The natural world-wind, rain, cold, hot, shadows, leaves etc.

    -Playground games-mean child can learn songs, rhymes aimed towards literacy and communication, numbers if there's hopscotch or anything, ball control and physical skills by playing football etc.

    -Physical development-spacial awareness, using equipment.

    They learn through play-through fun! They explore different aspects of whats around them and assimilate knowledge without feeling pressured.

  9. um i guess by having a social life, they can be more social. And I heard that they can get creative not sure whyy.  

  10. they can learn by the rules like no running on the "blacktop", no rough housing or any other rules. they can also learn how to not get in trouble

  11. A child learns through play.  Through play they learn social interaction with other children.  When playing games they use their fine and gross motor skills.  

  12. A child on the playground learns a lot of things.

    How to be social with friends, meet new friends, be a good person. Share.

    Colors, shapes, gets them in shape.

    Makes them happy little kids lol.

  13. Playing with others. Large motor skills(climbing,running, swinging on a swing) small motor skills(playing in the sand, water table play, grasping items)

  14. they learn colors, shapes, communication with others, increase their strength, and try out obstacles.

  15. a child can learn when lets say he slides down the slide and u can say ....  if the childs name is john u can say john is sliding down the slide.  n can learn shapes too hope i help

  16. They learn to share, take turns and how things work.  

  17. In the playground the practise/develop there physical skills and motor skills and social skills and sometimes cognitive/hand eye depending on play ground which are all important.  

  18. they develop socialization skills. they learn to share. they develop gross motor skills and fine motor skills. they are exploring sensory skills (feel, touch, smell, ect...) children learn in almost in experience they are in!  

  19. Learn to cooperate in games, sharing the toys, swing, etc., conservation of mass with the sand box, conservation of liquid with a water/sand/sensory table, science with a garden, science with bugs, math- counting, matching same/different

    There are many things on a playground that can be made into a teachable moment... finding a frog, well how does a frog start... tadpole, etc.

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