
How does a cricket ball swing?

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why only pacers can swing the ball




  1. a cricket ball swings because the bowler shines only 1 side of it this side is kept clean andstays heavy however the othe side gets old and worn which causes it to become lighter than the shiny side so to swing the ball by using either in-swing or out-swing its all in how you hold the ball for example if a seam bowler was bowling and tryin to get in-swing to a right handed batsman hewould hold the shiny side to the right and vice versa for out-swing to a left-hander just swap the actions round as for the other part of your question why only pacers get swing thats not entirely true the just get more swing than slower bowlers hope this info was helpful

  2. it has a seem on d mid of d ball... one side of a ball is slightly lighter dan d other 1. so while deliverying d ball frm hand it gets turned with d help of wind

  3. Wikipedia will provide you the info :

  4. no all the bowlers swing the balls in their pouches


  5. A swinging cricket ball follows the Magnus effect, which is a result of the Bernoulli's Theorem of fluid mechanics. Actually when you rotate a ball and leave it, the opposite ends of the ball across the diameter move in opposite directions. Due to this, while one end matches the direction of speed of the wind, the other opposes it. As such wind(a fluid) passes more smoothly and with higher speed over the end supporting wind movement, than the end resisting it. Due to this difference in wind velocities, the ball will experience different pressures from both ends. The end with slow wind speed will experience more pressure perpendicular to itself, while the one with higher wind velocity will experience a greater pressure perpendicular to itself(this is in accordance with the Bernoulli's Principle). This pressure difference at the opposite ends pushes the ball in the direction of higher pressure, what we term swinging.

    Pacers usually deliver appreciable swing because of the higher speed they throw the ball with. Even spinners do swing a ball. But the swinging effect is very very little in their case due to the small apeed of throwing the ball. This is because the higher the speed of delivering the ball, more is the pressure difference created at the opposite ends of the ball, due to the greater difference of wind speeds at these ends which will naturally produce a greater swing.

  6. Sam , the cool has stolen my answer, lol, great answer Sam however you addressed conventional swing technicality in your answer , i would like to add up on "reverse swing" part, Reverse swing is also on the basis of Bernoulli's Theorem, i.e. aerodyamics due to higher velocity on one side and hence lower pressure on that side, what happens is when the ball is old and prepared to be rough on one side and shining on the other side, the rough side surface area increases due to ruptures on the skin of the ball, this causes higher velocity(lower pressure) on the side of more surface area, so even if the ball is presented like a conventional swing towards smooth side seam , it moves towards the rough side due to bernoulli's reverse effect on the other side, this is reverse swing ~

    thumbs up to all answers!

    hope it helps!

    best regards!



  7. watch rajini's stunts

  8. the velocity of the ball react to the wind and smooth surface starts to swing opposite way

  9. get your full update of the physics of conventional and reverse swing bowling on Wikipedia.

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